D'Snowth said:
1. Prayer in school has been banned (pre-1962, it used to be mandatory)
As they say, as long as there are tests, there is prayer in schools, LOL. As a Christian, however, while I can be sympathetic, the fact remains that many Christians themselves will ban prayer in a heartbeat as soon as the Wiccans, Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists join in on the fun.
Pray in religious schools. Pray in church. Pray in your yard. Pray in your bedroom.
School (secular ones, anyway) shouldn't focus on that. People love to gripe how awful public school teachers are ... do you want someone who can't even email or spell her name on the blackboard teach the finer points of trinitarianism?
2. Courtrooms are prohibited from displaying the 10 Commandments, or any other similar religious-based documents.
That one does seem silly, due to the idea supposedly was chronicling the history of law.
3. Public places and public transportation are prohibited from playing Christian rock and/or gospel music.
I'm not a big fan of that kind of music. Seems a bit Eric Cartman-esque to me (see the episode where he forms Faith+1). I realize that "classical" hymns were simply the Christian rock of their day, but there's only so much "I love Jesus" stuff I can take before wanting to throw up.
To be fair, I can't stand the "I wanna screw my hoes" stuff neither. There should be a happy medium in there somewhere.
Do instrumentals. No lyrics ... no room to complain.
1. They keep trying to have "In God We Trust" removed from currency.
It's kinda sacriligious, though.
2. They keep trying to have "Under God" removed from the Pledge of Alligence.
It's not original to the piece. Only the Red Scare is why we have it in the first place. Again, Christianity should have enough integrity in its faith that it doesn't have to ape Eric Cartman and just copy/paste God into everything to make it sound more pious than it was.
4. As I pointed out earlier, all of Wisconsin has been bullying East Tennessee to remove religion from our area.
Tennessee (and I'm from there) should tell WI to mind its own dang business.
I've had more run-ins with Baptists than JW's or Mormons, and I even have some of those in my family tree.
I say we celebrate Fridge Day instead.