When you need to rant...


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Well, twenty years ago, TBS was all about sitcoms that were, at the time, 20-30 years old (many of the ones you mentioned)... twenty years later, in addition to their own shows, TBS still shows sitcoms that are 20-30 years, just ones that are now 20-30 years old, like SEINFELD, EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND, F.R.I.E.N.D.S... but now they're also about shows that are still on the air, like THE BIG BANG THEORY (DUH!!!), and pretty much all of Seth MacFarlane's shows.

Back in the day, I think the cartoon aspect of TNT eventually morphed into Cartoon Network when it first came along.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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I'm sorry... you needed research to tell you this?


Uh... this is a given... this wasn't something that needed to be "researched"... this is as ridiculous as that survey that London conducted that suggested that kids don't like clowns.
On the other hand, I'm not sure I entirely agree with the study. I get the impression many kids who are bullied (including myself actually) would likely already be prone to depression and it's just that bullies can sense vulnerable people and take advantage.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Yes no and maybe.

That leads to the slippery slope of saying "we need bullies because they make people overcome adversity." You know, the bullcrap bullies tell everyone else so they look saintly for being horrible little jerks to everyone. There's something to the whole human nature of fear being the only way to get respect and Darwinian crap about Alphamales... if we could just move past that, we wouldn't need bullies, and the poor little kids that they pick on could be left best to being completely ignored. Which isn't great, but passive aggressive tactics like that vs. incessant barrage of insults.... I'd take the former.

Thing is, society LOVES bullies because they're aggressive, and aggressiveness means they hold power over something or other. Then you look to fiction. The funniest characters in a given show (and usually the ensemble darkhorses) are usually the bullies. Nelson Muntz, Binky and the Tough Customers, Roger Klotz, Gian... and they're always portrayed as not really nasty with hidden depths and problems instead of jerks who are just jerks for the sake of being jerks. Like in real life. Heck, there's basically a cult that worships Mac's nasty brother from Foster's Home. And I can't even say I'm not guilty of that too. I'd rather Lisa end up with Nelson than Milhouse (freaking writers absolutely love to make Milhouse and Lisa a thing).


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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That leads to the slippery slope of saying "we need bullies because they make people overcome adversity."
Oh I'm not saying bullies are particularly helpful, lol. Just that they can sense blood in the water, so to speak. I was very sensitive as a child and would have been regardless of bullying. And people took advantage of that. Does that mean I deserved it? Of course not. But you can't control everyone, there are always going to be people who make your life difficult. And it is important to learn resilience.

The funniest characters in a given show (and usually the ensemble darkhorses) are usually the bullies....and they're always portrayed as not really nasty with hidden depths and problems instead of jerks who are just jerks for the sake of being jerks. Like in real life.
Well yeah because real life is boring, lol.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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What the **** Just Happened in Kansas?

(Edit: the board software asterisked out part of the link. Just type the obvious word back in on the URL bar and you'll be there.)

They just explicitely and specifically legalized discrimination against gay people, that's what. Because not institutionalizing individuals' and religious institutions' legal ability to discrimiate is persecution.

The entire text of the bill is linked to the article, so you can read it without taking my or any other person's word for it. I find it pretty incredible stuff. Even more incredible is the sponsor's explanation: "Discrimination is horrible. It’s hurtful … It has no place in civilized society, and that’s precisely why we’re moving this bill. There have been times throughout history where people have been persecuted for their religious beliefs because they were unpopular. This bill provides a shield of protection for that."

There are no words.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
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What the **** Just Happened in Kansas?

(Edit: the board software asterisked out part of the link. Just type the obvious word back in on the URL bar and you'll be there.)

They just explicitely and specifically legalized discrimination against gay people, that's what. Because not institutionalizing individuals' and religious institutions' legal ability to discrimiate is persecution.

The entire text of the bill is linked to the article, so you can read it without taking my or any other person's word for it. I find it pretty incredible stuff. Even more incredible is the sponsor's explanation: "Discrimination is horrible. It’s hurtful … It has no place in civilized society, and that’s precisely why we’re moving this bill. There have been times throughout history where people have been persecuted for their religious beliefs because they were unpopular. This bill provides a shield of protection for that."

There are no words.
WHAT?!!!!!!!!!! HOW IS THIS LEGAL?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNDER ASSUALT FROM GAYS?!!!!! REALLY?!!! HOW MANY GAYS ARE TREATED LIKE WE'RE ATTRACTED TO EVERY PERSON OF THE SAME GENDER?!!! This makes me angry since as many of you know I am openly gay. I don't understand what the big deal is. I'm a boy that likes men! WHO CARES?! I'm glad I don't live in Kansas....why Dorothy would want to go home I'll never know now.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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One correction: this is not law yet. It has passed the Kansas House of Representatives, but it has not yet been signed into law. One can hope that they will come to their senses...but I'm not holding my breath.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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They just explicitely and specifically legalized discrimination against gay people, that's what. Because not institutionalizing individuals' and religious institutions' legal ability to discrimiate is persecution.
To be specific, they want businesses to be able to deny serving gay people for religious reasons. The old "we reserve the right to refuse service." I seriously doubt it will pass.

Here's what it comes down to. Jesus said, "No man can serve God and money." People who support this bill don't want to admit that being religious and being in business can't always go together. If you want to make money in this Capitalistic society, sometimes you have to compromise. And that means you can't turn away customers just because you feel like it. It's very amusing to me that people who claim to be so religious are at the same time so worshiping of wealth.

I personally don't consider homosexuality a sin. But even if you do, Jesus did not and would never turn away a sinner. That is not morality.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Oh I'm not saying bullies are particularly helpful, lol. Just that they can sense blood in the water, so to speak. I was very sensitive as a child and would have been regardless of bullying. And people took advantage of that. Does that mean I deserved it? Of course not. But you can't control everyone, there are always going to be people who make your life difficult. And it is important to learn resilience.
I get what you're saying. They're pestering, harassment, and then there's when they manage to get the entire school to spam you with so much hateful intent that it's almost impossible to get through the day let alone ignore them. And ignoring them only goes so far. They'll keep doing it no matter how hard you try.

The entire text of the bill is linked to the article, so you can read it without taking my or any other person's word for it. I find it pretty incredible stuff. Even more incredible is the sponsor's explanation: "Discrimination is horrible. It’s hurtful … It has no place in civilized society, and that’s precisely why we’re moving this bill. There have been times throughout history where people have been persecuted for their religious beliefs because they were unpopular. This bill provides a shield of protection for that."
Don't you just love that old "you can't discriminate against those who discriminate" paradox? And then justifying it with "It's in thuh BAH-BOOOL" nonsense to make it seem like they're the victims. Classic.

Like I've always said, I absolutely love how these people claim to be persecuted from passive aggressive name calling when in certain countries they kill Christians just for being Christians, even if they believe in some of the hard line far far far Orthodox/Conservative (in the religious sense of the word) religious dogma. Over here, these types are losing their relevance because most of us stopped caring about idiotic wedge issues like that (even some, but not enough conservatives). The only thing these people are victims of is their own indoctrination and fear. There is a complex balance between those who think it's a sin and those who don't.... people are free to believe what they want, for better or worse. It's those people who want to crush the rights of others because they find it icky that are the real problem.