When you need to rant...


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I'm sorry, but I just have to fly off the handle here...

I realize I've said this a ton of times lately, but I'm sorry, I'm at my wits end... I'M SICK OF NEIL PATRICK HARRIS! SICK, SICK, SICK OF HIM!

Don't assume that I hate him, because I don't, I do think he's a decent actor, and he CAN be funny at times, but he's one of THE most OVEREXPOSED and OVERRATED celebrities of our time, he's EVERYWHERE, it's like you can't go a single day without seeing him SOMEWHERE on TV, whether it's reruns of HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER, or in a commercial or a promo or anything... and as I've said before, his little back-and-forth superiority/inferiority complex schtick he has going on has gotten really, really old, with this whole, "Look at me, I'm a big celebrity, but I try not to flaunt my overinflated ego, even though I'm a big celebrity."

But again, it's finally gotten to the point that anytime I see him suddenly pop up on TV, I just want to rip my hair out.

I was afraid the same was going to happen to Steve Carell since it seemed like he was making a comeback, but I haven't seen much of him since that BURT WUNDERSTROM, or whatever that movie was called... and apparently, this ANCHORMAN sequel is NOT pulling an EVAN ALMIGHTY on us (now THAT was totally unneccesary).


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Who knew he would become such an egomaniac? I thought he was precocious way back in the days of "Doogie Howser" (although his voice fit well on "Capitol Critters"). But I thought he'd just be another child actor/casualty that would have his 15 minutes of fame and slip into obscurity.

Maybe they can give him his own magic show, or some other Vegas spectacle, like putting his head in a lion's mouth. Or saw him in half. The possibilities are endless.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I can certainly give him that, at least he hasn't messed up his career by falling victim to the evils and corruptions of Hollywood, that's for sure, unlike other former childstars who have ruined their careers and reputations by getting involved with drugs, alcohol, hard-partying, all that sort of stuff.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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His story is admirable. Instead of falling into obscurity, he just moved his talents to Broadway. And he probably would have just stayed there, but his career was resurrected by the Harold and Kumar movies where he basically played himself as a washed up child star. He got the job on HIMYM from those movies. He's in everything, sure... but he works hard. He was actually good in both Smurf movies. Say what you will about them, unlike most live action CGI hybrids, he actually acts in them instead of sleepily slogging through for a paycheck (cough cough Jason Lee and Brecken Meyer cough cough). So basically he has talent and does something, so he deserves the over-exposure over something like The Kardashians and that fatso little girl and her negative redneck stereotype family.

That said, you also see a lot of Ty Burrel. Not complaining, but he narrates Verison commercials and he basically stepped into 2 movies (that come out near the same time) after actors turned down the roles.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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Am getting really sick of Facebook, have never known such an uncaring and unresponsive amount of people who obviously couldn't give a ****. Some of these people I've known for quite some time and even know them away from Facebook.

You post something on there and its like trying to get blood out of a flipping stone, you ask them to SHARE a link for you doing something worthwhile for charity and does ANYONE do anything about it? No.

Last Monday was a very painful anniversary for me, and only TWO people responded, TWO, anyone else they accidentally cut themselves and they get tons of likes and tons of comments? Me? I get nada!

And then today, regarding the despicable steps Twitter has made to post EVERY single photo people post which I fully object to to which many right minded people have obviously said how wrong it is on Twitter, but on Facebook two SUPPOSED Friends just start bullying and antagonising me, at 37 I DESERVE some respect but do I get it from people? No.

One of these days people will see that I can be anything but nice, am just sick and tired of being taken advantage of.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Am getting really sick of Facebook, have never known such an uncaring and unresponsive amount of people who obviously couldn't give a ****. Some of these people I've known for quite some time and even know them away from Facebook.

You post something on there and its like trying to get blood out of a flipping stone, you ask them to SHARE a link for you doing something worthwhile for charity and does ANYONE do anything about it? No.

Last Monday was a very painful anniversary for me, and only TWO people responded, TWO, anyone else they accidentally cut themselves and they get tons of likes and tons of comments? Me? I get nada!

And then today, regarding the despicable steps Twitter has made to post EVERY single photo people post which I fully object to to which many right minded people have obviously said how wrong it is on Twitter, but on Facebook two SUPPOSED Friends just start bullying and antagonising me, at 37 I DESERVE some respect but do I get it from people? No.

One of these days people will see that I can be anything but nice, am just sick and tired of being taken advantage of.
Join the club. (Check out my rant a few posts back). Facebook can bring out the most narcissistic tendencies in people, (I gotta post 9 million pictures of my kid pooping his pants! Ain't he precious?), and others are willing to start feuds over the most pointless crap.
And people will join in the bullying and feuding, partly because they can hide behind the anonymity of cyberspace without any fear of retaliation. ( Some Youtube comments are worse!)
If this is the best people can do, I'd rather sit it out and do something more constructive somewhere else. At least here you can find some people to support you. This site is not totally immune to trolls and spammers, but it can be a good deal better than the alternatives.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I'm furious. Now THIS TV is switching to crappy lipservice TV/EI programming instead of the DIC programming they had just yesterday. They got rid of Inspector Gadget, which is (to me) a crime against humanity to put on an extra terrible movie that no one remembers a day. And guess what they have to basically keep their crappy FCC license? Animal (FREAKING) Atlas. The worst nature show of all time that's on 3 other channels already. Seriously. You must get to buy the rights to air the show at BJ's or Sam's Club or something because it's probably that cheap. It's like all found footage of animals with idiotic narration and fart jokes slapped on it. No one watches it, no one likes it... it's there ONLY to have stations keep an FCC license. I wish I had the money to buy the total worldwide rights to that show so I could destroy every single episode over made. I'd set the master tapes on fire, collect the ashes, build a rocket and send the ashes to the moon. I don't think I have a burning hatred of a show that great. Not Barney, not Teletubbies, not even that stupid MTV stunt show that idiotic D-Bags like to watch.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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You know what irritates me and I don't know why? When people ship genderswapped versions of a character with that character. It disturbs me and I can't stand looking at the fan art which seems to be overrunning the Dan Vs fanart on deviantart.

Idk, to me its worse than shipping yourself with a character since I do that jokingly