Well, heh, I would argue drinking and smoking can potentially leadto evil things. I'd be much more worried about them then tattoos.
Well yeah, but I mean even just the act of maybe taking a sip of alcohol or puffing on a cigarette.
Aunt Esther! I love Sanford and Son! Speaking of blasphemous, have you ever heard any of LaWanda Page's stand-up, she couldn't have been more different in real life from Aunt Esther.
Lol, no, but I HAVE seen some of Redd Foxx's stand-up, and it reminds me of this moment:
FRED: I love the way he spells his name with two Ds and two Xs.
LAMONT: I wonder why he does that?
FRED: Well, I don't know why he uses the two Ds, but I saw his nightclub act once, and I KNOW why he got all them Xs!
Plus, Redd Foxx and LaWanda Page had really great chemistry with each other, I always love whenever Fred and Esther are bickering at each other... all these years, I've been wondering if that one occasion where Fred snaps off Esther's wig was improvised, he reaction looked too real, and Demond Wilson seemed to genuinely be cracking up.