Haven't vented my spleen in a while, so I'm way overdue.
I'm grateful to have a job and medical benefits, because there are plenty of people out there who have neither. Still, when you have a question about your benefits, it's a major hassle just trying to get through to a REAL LIVE PERSON. Companies seem to be making their phone helplines harder to navigate, and voice-activated menus don't make things much easier.
"Say the month of your birthday".
"Your answer was 'September'. If this is correct, say'Correct'."
And round and round it goes.
Then if and when you DO reach a live person, they might try your patience by putting you on hold, or transferring you to another department. And unfortunately you have to deal with that deafening Muzak blaring on your phone, where you can't change the song or adjust the volume.
By the time you reach the person who can answer your question, you forgot why you called.
Ain't technology grand?
At least websites can be a little better, as long as it doesn't go offline.
I miss the good ol' days when most companies had a real live person in the building you can talk to. This was back in the Dark Ages when "Human Resources" was still "Personnel", or am I dating myself too much?
Actually, if I could date myself, I'd be a Hermaphrodite.