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When dreams come true


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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no I thankfully didnt mean alcohol, I was doing what I always do in my very rushed writing and wrote in the way so only I could infer what I was sayng.
this is what happens when I post without editing.
sorry I've just been busy and know with school FINALLY done I can write more and be more accurate
hope this helps I'll post more soon <3


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Chapter 8
When things go wrong
Janice pulled into the driveway and ran inside followed by Morgan. They ran upstairs to get changed.
"Do you know where we're eating?" Morgan asked digging through her new Louis Vuitton suitcase for something classy to wear.
"Yeah Piggy said it was some sort of fancy Italian bistro restaurant that I can't remember the name of" Janice replied pulling a turquoise dress out of the closet.
"What do you think?" She asked Morgan. The dress was knee length turquoise and super sparkly with a silver belt.
"So beautiful" Morgan sighed posing dramatically in front of Janice in a dusty rose knee length dress that had a piece of fabric draped from one shoulder.
"I like that one" Janice told her pulling the turquoise dress over her head.
"Purple or Silver?" Piggy asked Trudy holding up two very similar dresses.
"Purple" Trudy replied pulling a poofy gold dress over her head. Piggy put on the dress and walked over to the mirror to start on her head. She gasped and spun around to face Trudy holding her stomach.
"Trudy its noticeable!" she cried sitting down.
"Oh darling don't worry it's not bad and that dress makes it work"
She gave Piggy a reassuring hug before helping her up and starting on her own hair.
The restaurant was super fancy and extremely busy but thanks to Piggy's early reservations and her great persuasive skills the four of them all avoided having to endure the starving three hour wait to get a table for at lest two people.
"Grazie" Piggy crooned in her faux Italian accent to the not so Italian waiter who was regarding her with extreme delight.
Janice stifled a laugh and rolled her eyes. She peered at her menu that had the restaurant's name which was Italiano al Tromonto
Or as Piggy translated it was Italian sunset in English.
Janice flipped through the menu and chatted absentmindedly with the other ladies.
Finally after ordering and waiting twenty minutes the server returned with the food.
"Alright so how are things with you two?" Trudy asked Morgan and Janice while spooning spaghetti into her mouth.
"Great,you?" Janice replied taking a bite of her salad.
"Awesome" Trudy said.
"So Janice when's the wedding?" Trudy asked.
"In a week" Janice replied.
"Ooh you must be excited" Trudy crooned.
"Ya Fer sure but after all of the planning it's a total letdown to know that afterwards there'll be more planning" Janice sighed.
"My dear there will always be planning." Trudy said.
"You never know I guess" Morgan commented.
"I do know for a fact" Trudy proudly remarked.
"Maybe for you but not for us" Morgan shot back.
Piggy sighed and rolled her eyes knowing exactly where this was going.
"What are you implying?" Trudy questioned rather loudly.
"That you are a control freak spoiled by her rich husband." Morgan remarked.
Trudy recoiled like she'd been slapped. "At least I have a husband and am not living off the streets..." she was cut off when the server reappeared asking how everything was going.
"It was delicious but we'll take that bill now please" Piggy said dropping her whole Italian act.
"I am not living off any street you're just jealous because you have no artistic talent or any talent for that matter of fact" Morgan dissed sourly.
"I have no talent? Really well just so you know missy I'm twice the star you'll ever be!" Trudy shouted gaining the whole restaurant's attention.
"Under which category hog calling?" Morgan shouted back.
Trudy stood up and dumped her spaghetti on Morgan's head.
"Don't you dare insult my family again!" Trudy raged.
"Family? Don't you mean species!" Morgan replied dumping her wine on Trudy's head followed by smashing her casserole in her face.
"You little!..."
"You know what just mail me the bill!" Piggy requested cutting off Trudy's insult.
"Morgan let's go!" Janice said standing up.
"If you think you have talent or knowledge then you're highly mistaken missy you have nothing! Absolutely nothing you can continue your life with your one brain cell wired specifically for shopping and spending money you filthy parasite!" Morgan screeched back. Janice grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the door.
"thank you Piggy!" Janice called tugging the still screaming Morgan out the door even after the door closed behind the Janice could still feel the eyes of everyone on the restaurant watching her.
She got in and slammed the door starting the car. Morgan slid into the passenger seat silently.
"Janice I'm sorry" Morgan apologized.
"Don't even bother" Janice snapped making Morgan flinch. She wasn't used to Janice being angry or un-chill or whatever.
"Please Janice don't be mad at me" Morgan pleaded.
"Why shouldn't I you ruined everything over nothing this isn't the sixth grade Morgan seriously you have to apologize." Janice instructed.
"She started it"
"I don't care" Janice said she stopped the car and got out storming inside.
"How was it?" Floyd asked when she walked in.
"Don't ask" she said walking straight upstairs.
Morgan walked in a minute later.
"What the...?" Floyd stammered when he saw her covered in food.
"Here's some advice and knowing you I'd use it wisely don't **** off Trudy" Morgan said. Walking upstairs.
"So that's how it went" Floyd said to himself turning back to the TV.
I'll deal with it in the morning he thought to himself. But yelling upstairs made him change his mind.
"Why don't you leave if you hate the people you have to put up with here!" Janice shouted.
"Because I'm here for you and because I haven't seen you in forever!"
Morgan screamed back.
Floyd stumbled up the stairs.
"Do I want to get involved?" he asked mostly to himself.
"You are so full of yourself you know that right? Cause I totally remember you constantly asking me about you. Janice do I look good I think I look good but I'm not so sure cause I just bought this outfit how does it look on me?" Janice mimicked in a super high voice.
"Right sure but I remember you always showing off how you could play guitar so well" Morgan replied.
"At least guitar playing got me somewhere!" Janice yelled back.
"Okay! Ladies stop!" Floyd yelled grabbing Janice and pulling her back. She struggled against him still screaming until Morgan disappeared into her room and Floyd was able to get Janice back into her room.
She collapsed on the bed and forced herself not to cry.
"Jan?" Floyd sighed walking over and sitting beside her.
"I'm sorry" she whispered.
"It's not your fault" he told her.
"I know but I shouldn't have gotten mad."
Floyd helped her up and held her against him.
"We'll sort it out in the morning but you need to get to sleep." he told her. She nodded and laid down he kissed he forehead and walked back downstairs.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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I love when she said "She started it."

Janice just said it wasn't sixth grade. xD

And I'm surprised Piggy wasn't mad at the word, "Hog" in that arguement with Trudy and Morgan.

More please!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Do more! Maybe the baby involved. Seriously, do more!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Chapter 9
In a friendship.
Piggy woke up and made breakfast. If she didn't see Trudy today she'd be happy. Last night had been one of the most embarrassing nights of her life ever. She was sure Janice felt the same.
Today though Piggy didn't wait to wake up Kermit she just left the smaller the chance of seeing Trudy was the better.
Janice got up early to leave she didn't want anything to with Morgan.
She hoped the theatre would be unlocked this early as she pulled into the parking lot. The door opened and Janice hurried inside.
Piggy was sitting on the stage in silence.
"Hey" Janice said and sat beside her.
"You're not talking to Morgan in guessing?" Piggy asked.
"No I don't even want to see her" Janice said.
"Same that's why I came early" Piggy replied.
"Me too" Janice said.
"Wanna get a coffee?" Piggy asked.
"Sure" Janice replied.

Gonzo And Camilla met everyone downstairs for breakfast. Camilla had been so happy for the past week. Gonzo hated having to leave soon. He knew that before they left he'd have to confront her with the issue that had been plaguing him the whole trip.
He made a silent promise to himself to do it after breakfast.

Zoot got to the theatre with
Dr. Teeth they were surprised to find the theatre empty when they arrived. Teeth hurried backstage to see if anyone was here.
Zoot wandered over to have a nap.
Teeth searched each room each one was as empty as the one before it.
He stopped when he heard something.
It was singing and piano.
He couldn't hear the words but the voice was nonetheless beautiful.
He knew exactly who it was and in what room. He hurried down the hall and paused at a closed door.
Instead of going in he peered through the small window. He knew he shouldn't be spying but once he saw her he forgot all that.
Her fingers flew over the keys. For her it seemed effortless. He watched her wavy long black hair sway to the tempo of the music.
Her voice was clear and sharp. She hit every note perfectly.
He waited till she was done to go in.
"You do realize that you're probably one of the best musicians I've ever seen right?" he asked stepping in the room.
She jumped up and faced him.
"What are you doing in here?" she asked clearly startled.
"I heard you playing and singing you're amazing at both"
"Um thanks" she replied.
"You should sing in the show this week" he told her walking over to the piano.
"No I really shouldn't it would be terrible" she sighed running a hand through her hair.
"Why would it be so terrible?" he asked running his hand over the keys.
"Because I'm not a performer I can't do it I'm sorry" she muttered.
Dr. Teeth sighed
"Play something?" he asked her.
"Why?" she asked.
"Just play" she listened sitting down she paused for a minute before playing.
Teeth had never heard the song before she didn't sing but she played her fingers flying once again.
Teeth watched her. Sat down beside her.
"that's good" he told her
"Thanks" she replied ending the song softly.
He thought for a minute then started to play.

"It's so easy, but I can't do it
So risky - But I gotta chance it
It's so funny, there's nothing to laugh about
My money, that's all you wanna talk about
I can see what you want me to be
But I'm no fool

It's in the lap of the Gods
I can see what you want me to be
But I'm no fool

No beginning, there's no ending
There's no meaning in my pretending
Believe me, life goes on and on and on
Forgive me when I ask you where do I belong
You say I can't set you free from me
But that's not true

It's in the lap of the Gods
I can see what you want me to be
But I'm no fool
It's in the lap of the Gods
Wo wo la la la wo
Wo wo la la
Wah wah ooh
But that's not true"

Morgan listened when he stopped playing she smiled.
"I've always loved that song." she told him.
"You like old music?" he asked her.
She nodded
"I love rock 'n roll and any music over twenty years old."
"Me too" he said.
"That song my dad used play for me" she said.
"Your dad liked Queen?" Teeth asked.
"Loved them I do too" she told him.
He smiled at her. "Play in the show" he told her.
"I'll tell you what if you play with me I'll play" she told him.
"Deal" he said.
She laughed "Okay I'll play"
"Great" he said.

Janice and Piggy walked back to the theatre everyone was here by now.
"I have band practice see you later Piggy" Janice said walking off.
"Janice" Floyd called.
"Hey" she said walking over.
"Do you know where Teeth is?" he asked.
"Um no" she replied.
Floyd sighed. "Great we can't play without him" Floyd looked around.
Dr. Teeth was nowhere in sight.
"He'll show up" Janice said.
Floyd nodded.
"C'mon let's go for a walk" Janice said pulling him towards the door.

"Okay so tell me how did you form your legendary band?" Morgan crooned.
"Well I've known Floyd for practically forever. And then I found Janice and Floyd knew Animal. Then we found Zoot playing in a jazz bar. Figures. And he introduced us to Lips a few years later we all sorta clicked and sounded pretty good"
Morgan smiled and turned back to the piano.
"It's really great here" Morgan said turning back to Teeth.
"It's interesting that's for sure" he replied.
"How do you do it?" she said.
"Do what?" he replied.
"Put up with the weirdest people I've ever seen"
Teeth laughed to himself.
"I take breaks like today I haven't put up with any weirdness so I'll be prepared for Monday."
"I didn't think it was possible to be prepared for this place I mean what doesn't happen here?"
"I can't tell you" he said with a chuckle.
Morgan laughed and brushed her black hair out of her face.
"You hungry?" Teeth asked.
"Not really" she replied.
Teeth played something on the piano it was fast but beautiful.
"Did you write that?" she asked.
"A very long time ago" Teeth replied.
"It's beautiful" she said playing a few notes very quickly.
"Where'd you learn to play?" Morgan asked.
"I practically taught myself when I was six I found my uncles old piano books he taught me a few simple songs and I wanted to learn more but he was very busy. So for years I read book after book and saved my money for a real teacher. But by the time I had enough money I already knew everything about playing so I bought a piano instead."
"Where is it?"
"Right here" he said
"This is the piano you bought?"
Teeth nodded.
"Do you want to go for a walk?" she asked.
"Sure" he replied.
She got up and walked towards the door.

"Piggy!" Trudy said running over.
"Go away" Piggy called from in her dressing room.
"Piggy darling I'm sorry now can I come in?" Trudy begged banging on the door.
"No now please leave I don't want to talk to you!" she shouted.
"Piggy I've already apologized like a million times."
"Well sometimes sorry isn't enough!" she yelled. Trudy sighed and walked away.

Gonzo sat on the steps of the house waiting. He was waiting for Camilla who was talking to Gina inside. He was finally going to tell her what was bothering him.
She came out and sat beside him.
"Camilla we need to talk" Gonzo said.
Camilla faced him. "Begawk brawk bwak?" she asked.
Gonzo sighed. "Do you like it here? Because I've seen how happy you are and I feel like its my fault that you miss your family so much. And I need to know if that's true." he told her.
"Bwak brwak bregwak bregak bwak bwak " she told him.
"I love you too. Are you sure that you want to stay with me?" he asked.
"Bwak" Camilla replied hugging him.

Kermit sat in his office he had so much planning to do and only a few days until the next show.
"Kermit" Rowlf said coming in.
"Yes Rowlf?" Kermit replied looking up.
Rowlf walked up to the desk. "About the show this week is one of my friend's birthday so I was wondering if I can have the show off this week?"
"Um okay Rowlf but who'll replace you in your sketches?"
"I don't know" Rowlf replied.
"Okay fine I'll find someone you go ahead"
"Thanks Kermit" Rowlf replied.
Kermit scrambled out of the room. He hurried backstage and went through all the papers there.
"Were are the At The Dan...Animal!" Kermit cried holding up the half eaten script for At The Dance.
Of course Animal had disappeared and now Kermit was left his a ruined script and no memory of what it said.
He walked as calmly as he could back into his office.
Signing he turned on his computer and got to work retyping the script making it up as he went.

Janice hurried backstage and ran right into Morgan.
"Why are you here?" Morgan asked.
"I work here" Janice said just as sharply. She continued walking. Morgan walked back into the piano room where Dr. Teeth was waiting. She leaned against the door to close it. Even then she didn't move instead she slid down to the floor and stayed there.
"Are you okay?" Teeth asked from the piano.
Morgan nodded and finally stood up.
She walked over and sat beside him on the piano bench.
"Okay so what are we doing?" she asked.
"Well something like this" he started to play it was really pretty and a lot slower than the songs he usually played.
"What was that?" she asked.
"I wrote it a few years ago. I'm not saying we have to use it but something of that tempo could be cool" he said.
"Ya or something more like," she played something smooth and cheerful it was like jazz mixed with blues.
"That was cosmic man" Dr. Teeth told her. She grinned like a cheshire cat.
"You think?" she asked.
"Most definitely" he said.

Janice sat on the steps and sighed things with Morgan weren't going well at all and just days before her wedding day.
"Hey Jan I was thinking we should are you okay?" Floyd asked sitting beside her.
"No, I'm tired and I want to make up with Morgan but just looking at her makes me mad. What do I do Floyd?" Janice asked resting her head against his shoulder.
"Talk to her and work it out" he said.
"You think?" she asked
"Ya" he replied.
"Thanks honeybunch" Janice said. She kissed him. Then went to find Morgan.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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That was beautiful! Do more, Janice's baby must come!:smile::halo:


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Hee heee heee heeee heee heee heeee heee heeee heeee heeee!

You're so awesome.

And contrasting sorta with Leah's statement:
