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When dreams come true

Twisted Tails

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2012
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:smile: Good grief!
Yeah! I knew this situation was bad for Miss Piggy.

Ohhh no. Piiiigy you got some explaining to dooo!
You got that right, miss kermie! Kermit is not going to like this where this is going. No way! So, this is really bad.
:halo: BAD! BAD!
Even animal agrees with my foreshadowing for the next chapter. I hope I am not wembling like Wembley.
:coy: You called?
Well, since you're here, how would you feel if you did something wrong to embarrass your friends and then you decide to make it worse.
:coy: Gosh, uh...I would feel terrible.
Thanks Wembley!
:coy: Hey, what are friends for?

As I was saying, Miss Kermie has a point that Miss Piggywill be in trouble and embarrass Kermit fer sure.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Chapter 32
Battle of the Divas.
Miss Piggy rushed around her hotel room trying to get ready finally she spun in the mirror and liked what she saw.
Fumbling with her purse she opened the door right as Beauregard was about to knock.
Miss Piggy stayed still and looked at him, and he looked at her then proceeded to knock.
"Beau!" Piggy yelled not appreciating being punched in the face this early in the morning.
"Oh Miss Piggy I did not see you there!" Beau replied.
"What are you doing here? Don't tell me you're my rescue party?" She asked.
"Oh but I am." Beau said.
"Well stay here because I have somewhere to be and you not messing it up for moi!" Piggy snapped spinning him around so that he was in the doorway and she was now in the hall.
"Okay but hurry back cause Kermit said he wanted me to bring you back." Beau said.
Miss Piggy ran down the hall and into the elevator
"Ooh cookies." Beau said walking back into the hotel room.

The talk show studio was big and had scary looking security guards at every door.
Miss Piggy finally navigated her way to backstage where she was bombarded by hair and makeup.
"Alright you're good to go." A women in a tight pencil skirt and blazer said. She pushed Piggy towards the stage.
Miss Piggy sat down across from Julie who had her makeup touched up once more then crossed her legs and gave Miss Piggy a proud smile.
"Three Two…" The camera man pointed to Julie and the theme song started sending the live audience into a cheering frenzy.
"Hello everyone I'm Julie Jenkins
and this is The Early Morning Watchers!" She exclaimed.
The audience clapped and cheered as Julie stood up and walked the expanse of the stage.
She came back and sat beside Miss Piggy.
"Today we have an excellent guest she has been the face of fashion for over to decades. She is the star of the muppet show she is the one and only Miss Piggy!" Julie exclaimed there was more clapping.
"Okay so Miss Piggy you had twins just over a month ago and now here you are right back onto the scene tell me how have you been?" Julie asked.
"Moi has been wonderful it was been great to do another show and I hope to make it to the top again." She said.
"How do you know you will?" Julie asked.
"Well as you…very kindly…pointed out moi has been the face of fashion for over two decades so moi will be back and continue to be number one." Miss Piggy replied.
Julie nodded and stood up.
"Well Miss Piggy I asked you to come here for an interview but I didn't mention that our gem of the show our princess of fashion Raquel is here!" Julie exclaimed as Raquel came bounding onto the stage grinning ear to ear.
Miss Piggy sat up straighter. Raquel glared at her for a split second then smiled back a Julie.
"Welcome my dear. Now here's a twist today is the Battle Of The Divas!" Julie yelled raising her hands over her head.
Miss Piggy stood up and walked behind her podium with her buzzer.
Julie walked between them and smiled greatly at the crowd.
"Alright so I'm going to take it that you two know how to use a buzzer so let's start with the first question.
Miss Piggy you just hit the buzzer corresponding with the answer.
Raquel comes to you with a suggestion on how to perfect you walk you.
A) thank her and try her suggestion
B) tell her you'd rather do things you're way
C) karate chop her into a crowd?"
Julie asked.
Piggy's hand zoomed to C) but then back to A).
"Correct ten points." Julie said.
Then she turned to Raquel who was looking over confident.
"Raquel you have to wear the ugliest outfit in the show you
A) wear it anyway.
B) complain
C) demand they give you a new outfit?" Julie asked.
Raquel hit C) then looked up in shock realizing she was wrong.
"Oops thats incorrect you're still at zero" Julie turned to Piggy then to Raquel and back again until the score was 250 240
"Alright Miss Piggy you are in the lead by ten points but this is the last question so it's worth twenty points. This could go either way this question is for both of you so hit a random buzzer when you have the answer." Julie said.
She walked to the center of the stage and flipped to a new card.
"Okay the name of the walk you do on the runway is a…"
Both buzzers went off.
"Ooh a tie we know what that means we need a tiebreaker." Julie said.
"Okay heres the tiebreaker both of you have ten minutes to create an outfit whoever creates the best will win and have their outfit featured in the next big show." Julie said.
Miss Piggy and Raquel ran off the stage in separate directions.
A giant timer appeared on the screen and everything was silent as it went to commercial.
"Ten…nine…eight…seven…six…five…four…three…two…one!" The audience counted down.
"Stop ladies come back with your outfits" Julie said.
Piggy and Raquel returned with pushing mannequins.
"Okay let's see" Julie stepped in front of Miss Piggy's it was a short blue dress with a red belt and red heels with a white sunhat and purse.
"Very nice I give it a nine." Julie said and continued to Raquel's it was an orange pencil skirt with a fuchsia blazer and blue tank top.
"Well its bright I give it a eight point five." Julie said.
"Miss Piggy wins!" Julie exclaimed.
"Oh thank you, thank you thank you so much!" Miss Piggy exclaimed.

Beau was asleep on the couch when Miss Piggy got back.
"Oh Miss Piggy we must go now" He said waking up.
"Not yet" Piggy replied.
Beau sighed "But Kermit said…"
"Moi does not care what Kermie said moi is staying here whether he likes it or not." She said.
"Oh no" Beau said not liking where this was going.


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Chapter 33
Not again.
Kermit watched the interview for the second time that day and felt nothing but a mix of anger, frustration and embarrassment.
He turned it off and grabbed the phone dialing angrily.
"Hello?" Piggy picked up on the third ring.
"Where are you?" Kermit asked in a demanding tone.
"I'm still in Manhattan." Piggy replied quietly.
Kermit resisted the urge to growl. "Why are you not on your way back? Where's Beau?" Kermit asked.
"He's here. I need to take care of some things." She told him.
"No no Piggy I'm done! Get back here now! Or or…" He started.
"Or what?" She shot back.
"Or I'll drag you here myself!" Kermit said.
Piggy was silent on the other end "But I'm not done Kermie" she said trying to redeem herself.
Kermit rolled his eyes "Well I am you come here or I'll go there." He told her.
"No I'm finishing this." Piggy replied stubbornly.
"Well then it's decided." Kermit told her.
"I guess so." She snapped. Kermit hung up before she could argue with him anymore.
This time she'd lose.

Janice sat beside Morgan on the couch. Morgan was holding Lily while Janice texted Floyd on her phone.
"Where is Floyd anyways?" Morgan asked.
"I don't rully know he's like off somewhere with Teeth. That's why I totally asked you to come over." Janice said.
Morgan sat Lily in her lap and picked up her own phone which was vibrating.
"Um…Jan you're not going to like this." Morgan said.
"What?" Janice asked.
"Floyd and Teeth are in Canada." Morgan replied.
"Why?" Janice asked.
Morgan shrugged.
Janice grabbed her phone and called Floyd instead.
"Like why are you in Canada?" she asked.
"Um…Teeth's idea not mine I thought we were going to get lunch." Floyd replied.
"Well what does Teeth want to do in Canada?" Janice asked.
"Not sure. Hopefully get lunch cause I'm starving" Floyd said.
"Floyd shut up when are you like coming back?" She said.
"I don't know maybe tonight tomorrow the next day it depends." He said.
Janice rolled her eyes "You're mad?" Floyd asked.
"No rully what ever gave you that idea honey?" She asked sarcastically.
"I'm sorry Jan I'll call you tonight okay?" He asked.
"Fine" Janice said hanging up.
Morgan laughed slightly and shook her head "I swear Jan you need to put him on a leash because he'll never be home the way he's always disappearing." She said.
"I totally like know but this time it was fer sure Teeth's fault."
Janice replied.
"Ya this time." Morgan said laughing.

By the next morning Kermit was strapping both twins into their carseats and climbing into the front seat.
Turning up the radio he drove down the street and headed for Manhattan.

Miss Piggy lived in pure luxury as she read yet another article about her triumph on the show.
She wondered if Kermit meant it when he said he'd be there he usually stuck to his word and that was the one thing that scared Piggy the most.
"Miss Piggy shouldn't we be leaving?" Beau asked from a nearby armchair.
"No! Kermie may be coming and until I know is he is really coming moi will be remaining here!" Piggy snapped.
Beau sighed and sat back. Miss Piggy turned on the tv to another news broadcast about her.
She watched it while munching on another bag of chips.
"Miss Piggy are you not tired of chips? That's your tenth bag in the last two days." Beau said.
Piggy dropped the bag and got up running to the bathroom and jumping on the scale.
"NO NO NO NO NO!" She shrieked sounding very much like a female Animal.
"What's wrong Miss Piggy?" Beau asked.
"I've gained ten pounds you idiot!" She cried throwing her hands up in frustration.
The door banged open and the small room was filled with crying.
Piggy forgot her problems instantly and shot up running into the sitting room.
"Kermie!" She cried throwing her arms around her frog.
"I'm mad at you." Kermit said but he was already smiling.
"Moi missed vous Kermie" She said sweetly.
"I missed you to dear but what's going on with all this? I've seen you in several magazines and broadcasts only today!" Kermit snapped.
"I know but moi needs to prove that moi is not old and tired of being at the top." Piggy replied.
"Fine Piggy but if this gets out of hand I swear I won't be happy." Kermit warned.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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Floyd and Dr. Teeth are in Canada? What for, one only wonders......


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Chapter 34
She's back
"So tell me again why you have so slyly dragged me across the border?" Floyd asked.
"I need to do something." Dr. Teeth replied.
Floyd sighed and laid down in his seat.

"So you're not mad at him?" Morgan asked.
"Not rully I don't care if he's in Canada. I only care how like long he's there."
"And do you know how long he'll be gone" Morgan asked.
"Not really but I totally like know Floyd and he won't be gone long fer sure." Janice replied.
"I just can't figure out why Teeth had to go to Canada like really what's up with that?" Morgan said.
Janice laughed and looked at her best friend
"I rully don't know. But I've known Floyd and Teeth long enough to know that they won't do anything too stupid." Janice said.
Morgan looked at her and laughed "I'm sorry Jan but all those two do is stupid." She said. Janice smiled and shrugged "Maybe a little."

Kermit paced across the small living while listening to Piggy talk about her weight gain.
"Raquel will find out and use it against me." Piggy said.
"Dear this is all the more reason to come home." Kermit told her.
"Can I go home?" Beau asked.
"Sure Beau I'm sorry this didn't work out as you planned." Kermit said.
"Oh no everything is fine I just miss the apple pie I have at the boarding house." Beau replied.
"There's apple pie at the boarding house?" Kermit asked.
"Kermie you don't need it.
If you eat that you'll get fat like me then the only show moi can be on is The Biggest Loser couples edition." Piggy snapped covering her face in her hands.
Kermit sighed and watched Beau leave in a hurry.
"When do you think we can go home then dear?" Kermit asked hoping for a reasonable response.
"Moi doesn't know." Piggy mumbled.
"Piggy dear I have a show and you need to be in it. I need you to let all this go." Kermit said sitting beside her.
"But Kermie moi needs to be number one moi needs to prove moi is still number one." Piggy said. Kermit wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
"Piggy look not everything will go your way and people will always think they're better than you and act like it. But that's no reason to prove to them that they've gotten to you and to throw your life away for them. Piggy please I need you. We all need you." Kermit told her.
"Thank you Kermie. We can go home after moi's next interview."
Piggy said.
"Thank you honey." Kermit said.

"Finally home." Gonzo said maneuvering his way up the stairs.
Camilla walked close behind him making sure he didn't tumble due to the awkward crutches.
"Gonzo you're back" Rowlf said walking over from the piano.
"yep but I'm extremely frustrated with these things." Gonzo said waving a crutch in the air.
"Begawk brewk bwak brawk" Camilla clucked jabbing Gonzo in the back with a feather.
"I'm going I'm going." Gonzo said
"Sorry Rowlf I've got to go lie down for a bit." Gonzo said retreating upstairs.

"Teeth can we go home now?" Floyd asked following Dr. Teeth down the street in a hurry.
"Not tonight it's too late we better stop for the night we can head back tomorrow." Dr. Teeth replied.
Floyd sighed and followed Dr. Teeth into a nearby motel.
"Hi boys" The woman behind the counter said with a smile.
Her blond hair was piled on her head and her eyes were heavily rimmed with eyeliner.
"We need to spend the night." Dr. Teeth said.
"Sure thing." She replied.
Floyd zoned out for most of the conversation there was something about her that was familiar something in her eyes. Those eyes Floyd had seen before why did they scare him?
Floyd looked around and when he looked back she was watching him again.
"Have a good night Floyd" She said as they walked away.
Floyd looked back. She was smiling dangerously at the two of them.
"H-how do you know my name?" Floyd asked.
Dr. Teeth was looking back and forth between the two of them like he was having a seizure.
"Oh come off it do you not recognize me?" she asked
Her voice was so familiar it made Floyd remember something that made him terrified.
Janice had pulled him under a curtain to hide and after weeks of almost being separated him and Janice were okay again.
"No" Floyd rasped barely a whisper.
"I've had work done here and there but I can see you still recognize me as though that beautiful time we had together were yesterday." She said.
"Floyd is that?" Teeth asked.
Floyd nodded cutting him off.
"That's Joyce" He replied.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2012
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Me: -checks watch- 3,2,1.......
Dr. Teeth and Floyd: RUN!!!!! -run for the hills-
Me: Or, as I think it should end up being..... (Read here if you dare: -Seriously though. Run away as fast you can, you two. Leave her in Canada before she goes psycho-) But we can all dream, right?


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Ohhh Piggy...
Let's hope she never gains weight on TV...


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Chapter 35
Joyce smiled a sickly smile and stepped out from behind the counter it was been almost 35 years but Floyd now remembered it all this girl had beaten up Janice one to many times and he hated her with a fiery passion. She unfortunately felt the exact opposite.
"Floyd my baby you never thought you'd see me again did you but here I am and once again ready to claim you as mine." Joyce snarled.
"Look lady you're to late the hippy is unavailable you see he's already married." Dr. Teeth stepped in and leveled a glare at Joyce who glared back stoically.
"Lemme guess that no good guitarist playing…"
"Shut up" Floyd said darkly making Joyce blink and stop talking.
"C'mon Teeth we're leaving" Floyd took Dr. Teeth's hand and dragged him to the door.
"Floyd!" Joyce yelled stopping them in their tracks.
"I wouldn't go anywhere because if you do my eyes on the inside will make sure you never see your precious guitarist again" Joyce told him.
"What eyes on the inside?" Floyd asked.
"Oh trust me I believe you've met before a long time ago just after I left." Joyce said grinning like a witch.

"So this is the last show?" Kermit asked rocking Chris.
"Yes sweetie this is moi's last show then we can go home." Piggy replied multitasking brushing her hair and holding Lucia.
"Okay just don't be too long because I want to go home I have a show to run you know." Kermit told her.
"Yes Kermie moi will see vous later kissie kissie." She said before trading Lucia for her purse and hurrying out the door.
"Miss Piggy when are you returning home?" The news broadcaster named Nancy according to her name tag said.
"Soon" Piggy replied.
"This you verses Raquel feud is it finally over?" Nancy asked.
"Moi hopes so" Piggy replied.
Nancy smiled and flipped through a clipboard "how is Kermit reacting to all of this?" She asked.
"He's taking it very well and is ready to return home as well."
Piggy said.
"Wait so Kermit's here as well?" Nancy asked.
"Oh…um yes he came to pick moi um up." Piggy said.
"Is he doing interviews?" Nancy asked.
Piggy was about to say no but a thought came to mind first.
"Yes he is" she said instead.
"Really cause I'd love to interview him." Nancy smiled.
"Well Moi promises you will." Piggy said.
"You heard it first here folks Kermit The Frog is in manhattan and doing interviews." Nancy signed out.
"What?" Kermit yelled looking a Piggy who shuddered and looked away.
"Piggy we'll never leave now you promised everyone interviews. Why would you do that?" Kermit asked.
"I don't know moi panicked I'm sorry Kermie." She said.
Kermit groaned. "I'd better call Scooter he'll have to organize the show this week." Kermit said.
Piggy nodded and sighed she picked up Lucia and held her with one hand while texting wildly with the other hand.
"Who are you texting?" Kermit asked.
"Morgan, I need her to do me a favor. " Piggy said.