The only one I can pick doesn't make sense unless you hear the whole here it is from episode 314 of TMS...(my favorite line in
: Thank you, thank you...Fozzie, this is not going to work!
: Just read off the page frog!
: Lagies and genklefins...Lagies and genklefins?!
:Let's see
: That's what it says, Lagies, and Gengklefins...
: Alright, so my typing is bad.
Lagies and Genklefins...welcone again tie the Muppel Shocks. My name is Kermit the Forg…the Forg!?
:Come on pick up the pace, here we go...
and our spegial guest stap is the amazing Hapry Belaf-that's Harry Belafonte folks!
: Kermit, your timing must be should be getting big laughs with that stuff!
: aaaaghhhh...(chases Fozzie offstage)