Fraggle: Four-way tie! Boober, Traveling Matt Wembley and Mokey all get the gold!
Doozer: Any one performed by Dave
Gorg: Junior
Other: Philo and Gunge!!!!
Song: (Well, they're all excellent, but...) There's this one that I don't know the name of, but it's from like the second season or something and it's Gunge's song to Philo (or vice versa, I've only heard it once, don't have the episode it's in, and, well, I'm just in pretty bad shape overall) about how he'd still be his friend no matter what, and it's just such a lovely and touching song that it makes me tear up whenever I hear it. (And I'm sure you all needed to know that.)
Episode: question. (A.k.a. noooooo idea, I'm never good with this question.)
Extra Character/Creature: Dave! (' know...he was an "extra" in Thirty-Minute Work Week...yeah...we'll go with that reasoning.

) If we're talking puppet characters, though, then Cantus and Convincing John.