Okay, here it goes, I'll try my best, it may not be accurate though because it's been forever:
Kermit introduces himslef, as always, and wants to discuss 'clues'. Basically, it involves two of the anything muppets and Beautiful Day Monster, as I metioned before.
The first anything muppet he talks to is a farm boy holding a string of carrots and Kermit explains that he can tell he has been growing vegetables by the 'clues', such as a garden hoe and of course, the carrots.
The next anything muppet, oddly the famous Fatblue (LOL!) as a carpenter, Kermit can tell he built a birdhouse by the supplies he had (hammer, wood, nails etc.)
The last is with Beautiful Day. He is seen with a suitcase and an umbrella and Kermit figures he is taking a vacation and has the umbrella for protection from the rain outside.
BD Monster says he's wrong, because it's not raining outside. He then explains it's not for protection, it's for lunch!
Kermit: 'What's in the suitcase then?'
Beautiful Day: "Ketchup!"
Beautiful Day:"Yeah who would eat an umbrella without ketchup?Yucky!"
Then he chows down, and that ends the skit.