Well, I'm not sure if I am, since I won't be trick or treating and I might have to work that night, but my brother is dressing up as a pirate, inspired by
Pirates of the Caribbean. He's been scouring thrift shops to put together the perfect costume.
I've had some cool Halloween costumes. I was Dopey one year. Mom made me a cool dwarf outfit and hat and I had these huge styrofoam ears that I wore. Also, when I had it on, I didn't speak at all. It was pretty cool. Another year, Mom made me a Dr. Pepper costume made with felt draped from a hula hoop . It was really cool. I also had a hat she made with hundreds of pop tabs attached, and she made a matching cape that said "Pepper Pup" for my dog to wear.

Then three years ago, I came up with a Bridge Over Troubled Water costume. I'd just seen Art Garfunkel in concert and wanted to have some sort of Garfunkellian costume. I painted all these messy waves on a pair of jeans and just wore a white shirt. Out of cardboard I made a bridge with a hole in the middle for me to stand in. I drew planks on it with permanent marker and put railings on either side, held up by toilet paper rolls. It was great!
