Oh boy, let's see...
Fanfiction.net under the name of EcclecticMe
zonebbs.com, a site for mostly blind/visually impaired people with the name Kathy Fraggle.
TeddyRuxpinonline KathyFraggle.
I used to be a member of Mystic Wicks as well! Don't remember my login info though, and the last time I went there it was all changed around, so I don't really consider myself a member there even though I technically am.
Facebook and Twitter
Fragglerocker.com, although again, only been there once or twice since it changed about 6 years ago. Only reason I remember that is because I have a password reset e-mail saved from 2006.
Witchvox, which is a Pagan information and resources site.
livejournal, though I rarely use it.
last.fm, under the name Romantic24 this time.
Some others, although those are the most important ones. Feel free to add me on any of them!