I think Fred is worse than Scrappy. He has basically no personality.I've never been able to understand why Scrappy gets all the hate he gets. There are tons of cartoon characters that are much worse than him.
I blame those terrible shorts where he provokes a big muscular guy and Shaggy and Scooby spend the cartoon running from them. Those are terrible.I've never been able to understand why Scrappy gets all the hate he gets. There are tons of cartoon characters that are much worse than him.
I think the second one is far superior and what the first movie should have been. More of a tribute to the show and less of a bad Brady Bunch movie style parody.I personally hate the Scooby Doo movie, because it tried to be a spoof of the original and worst of all....making Scrappy-Doo (a character I personally like) the villain.
Excuse me for having an unpopular opinion....Although I kind of thought that's what this thread was for...and saying "it's better than Muppet wizard of oz" is hardly a defense...Let's see... Uh... the Muppets were no more "just there" than MCC. I mean, really, you could have done the whole thing without the Muppets and just the creature shop and it would have worked just as well... Kermit was fatally lobotomized in MFS (I know it was Gonzo's movie, but you'd think Kermit would have been a little more supportive instead of heck bent on painting the house).
And Muppet Wizard of Oz exists and is a thing.
Seriously. Muppet Wizard of Oz is a thing and people chose to complain about The Muppets.And if it wasn't for the "novice fan fiction writers," the long time staff would have came up with something even worse than Muppet Wizard of Oz. At least a fresh perspective didn't leave us with another Pop Culture Joke laden movie where half the jokes are already dated that comes off cynical and blindly groping around for target audiences and in the end, losing the core fans.
To be fair, MFS was saved by the newer characters... not even Johnny Fiama could save Muppet Wizard of Oz. It's like the criticism I hear about Man of Steel. Oh, so you'd rather watch Superman 3? Like one of the worst films ever made? The Muppets was all about brand reintroduction. The second film can only be better and more Muppety.
I agree. That's like trying to compare an already bad movie and make it worse or better by compring it to the other,but I thought The Muppets was the 2nd best Muppet Film in my opinion right next to The Muppet Movie.Excuse me for having an unpopular opinion....Although I kind of thought that's what this thread was for...and saying "it's better than Muppet wizard of oz" is hardly a defense...