While I am certainly not going to pick on anyone's beliefs, I'll say this much. The Republican Party (on the level of politicians) has been absolutely disgusting these past 8 years. There's a difference between being a political opponent and wanting to sabotage the country to blame someone so they can get back in and make the same exact mistakes that lead us to disaster (look at how much warmongering is coming from Jeb Bush, considering his family's legacy of screwing around in Iraq creating the same exact monsters we're fighting now). They're clearly the "our crap doesn't stink" party. And for fairness sake, the freaking left are so incredibly wishy washy and try to be everyone's friend, thus alienating their own base trying to get those who don't like them to like them with the obvious results.
Trump is pandering. Sure, politicians pander, but not with as much bile, hate, and fear mongering as he has spewed. And maybe it's time top stop villifying him and go straight for the source. He certainly wouldn't be saying horrible things if there weren't those agreeing with him. I don't see why anyone's shocked at anything he says. He was part of the Birther movement! And not even because he believed in it. He was just passive aggressive about getting someone who'll give him a well deserved tax cut in office, and pandering to the far, far right. Something all Republicans should distance themselves from. And it's that extreme radical right that not only feeds the beast, it created it. With all the loud mouth demagogues, internet safety zone bubbles, and biased narrative, the anger and fear that came from those gives up those who want a nasty politician like Trump. You know how he's saying some vicious Islamaphobic crap after the Paris plot? It's the same exact crap demagogues were spewing back in 2002 that kept the masses uninformed and frightened enough not to question invading Iraq, and calling everyone who told them to calm the heck down terrorist sympathizing socialist commies. And yes, I want to give credit to the other Republicans for calling him out on it. If only they weren't banging the drums of war and blaming everyone but their own party for going into these countries and true to Batman form creating our own villains. And I can't believe we're still getting that bullcrap about how we can destroy terrorists. You know, fighting terrorists is like trying to get some sleep. The harder you try, the worse you get.
Plus, I really hate the whole thing about blaming everyone else but their own party for things not getting done. They wanted to get rid of the fillibuster back under the waning years of Bush, the left should have let them. The same party that wanted to get rid of it is the same party that used the heck out of it when they were a slight minority party and wanted to sabotage the big eeeeeeeevil libruls. Sure, it's easy to blame the president for everything, but we have, without a doubt, the worst Congress in history. And a minority of the minority was all to blame. The very same one that also screwed the other Republicans over. Like I said, it's like when Skeletor created the plant monster to destroy He-Man, and then it turns on him instead. They created a monster, now they have to deal with it. Trump is perfect for the Republican party. He's a personification of all the far right pandering that doesn't help anyone.