What is happening to the memories?


Jul 26, 2002
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The other day, I received in the mail a copy of the first pressing of "A Muppet Family Christmas." This is now the second copy I have of this show. Why? Because when I received the latest copy this past Christmas and watched it, I found something horrible...

It had been, strangely, edited!

So, I went looking and finally heard that the original copy (with only Kermit and Piggy on the front) was un-edited, I jumped at the chance and bought it. My original taped copy from Nickelodeon going bad, I wanted to have a good copy.

So, I received it and watched it. And, to my dismay, it had been edited, too. 3 complete songs, as well as various sections of the final medley. Disgusted, I turned it off and went about my business.

What is happening here? When I rented "Muppets From Space" when it was released on video, I looked forward to something interesting and fun. Without Jim, the previous two movies (Treasure Island and Christmas Carol) have been good, but still fail to capture the same feeling as the original 3 films. Why? Because they are not original stories. Muppets From Space was. I looked forward to being delighted.

I was horrified.

Kermit says, "Get down with your bad self." Gonzo slowly goes a bit mad. Most angering of all, however, Gonzo's identity is revealed. We now know what he is. An alien. Not a "Whatever" as he was referred to for so long...and, to my understanding, Jim wanted it that way. Gonzo was a long-nosed, blue WHATEVER/. Not a chicken. Not a mosquito. Not an alien. He was the odd man out because he had no place. Now, because he does, he seems somehow less endearing. Less magical.

What has happened?

Now the Denny's commercials. Of courseI give thumbs up for even INCLUDING them, which is wonderful. Still, we watch Kermit reduced to fat jokes toward Piggy (which, sure, he has always done. But doesn't it seem...I don't know...different somehow?).

I'm not sure what's going on around the studios lately. I look forward--yet with much skepticism--to the Muppet Christmas movie. I'd rather see something more original, like Muppet Family Christmas or The Christmas Toy or even Christmas Eve on Sesame Street rather than what we've been getting lately...

Lost magic and forgotten dreams.

Remember what was said in The Muppet Movie...

"Life's like a movie, write your own ending. Keep believing. keep Pretending. We've done just what we set out to do. Thanks to the LOVERS, the DREAMERS, and YOU."


"Thanks to the rappers, the second-rate artists, and everyone who paid a hefty sum to see this movie."

Janice & Mokey's Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Yep, I feel the same way you do. I've seen a chunk of MFS cause it was on a TV in college when I was in a lounge with some people, but I will never watch it.


Why? Cause you're right.

Gonzo is a "whatever", I don't care what that "movie" says. That is just so sacreligious for 'em to destroy that part of Gonzo. It just demeans his character and makes no sense. There's no reason to have done that, they could've made a movie about anything but that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Agreed in every way. I know. We'll get everyone on the board to raise about three million dollars and *we'll* buy the Muppets. We'll release all the Muppet shows and Fraggle Rock and everything else in complete seasons on DVD, reissue past Muppet DVDs in widescreen, release make a sequel to Muppets From Space explaining that they were wrong and Gonzo is still a whatever, and last, but not least, pressure CTW to significantly reduce Elmo's presence on Sesame Street. How does that sound?

I miss The Christmas Toy. I have a really old taped copy that looks like crap. Must be fifteen years old. I'd love that on DVD!


Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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AWWWW, now! :smile: C'mon. MFS wasn't that bad.

SURE, I don't like knowing what Gonzo IS now, but you have to admit that all the signs pointed in that direction, the night-time gazing into the stars singing that "I'm going to go back there someday..." What I DIDN'T like was that they told you all along, in the interviews and stuff, that Gonzo was an alien. They should have kept that quiet so you would be shocked by the news when he shouts it in the film. I'm okay with the whole alien thing, but they could have told us in a more surprising way, like Darth Vader announcing he's Luke's daddy.

I loved the music in the background, as the soundtrack makes for a terrific party album now! But, then again, I'm into Blues, Soul, and Funk...at least the sounds with that phat Memphis racket!

I wasn't bothered by Kermit saying "Get down with your bad selves" at all, after all JHC has always been kept kind of hip; I was surprised to hear Piggy say she had to "pee," but then again, Janice said, "look buddy, I don't take my clothes off for anybody, even if it IS artistic!" So, keeping in mind that there has always been some cutting edge humor from Henson, I'm not surprised.

And who's to say that because WE didn't necessarily agree with Gonzo being an alien isn't what was in Jim's notebook somewhere. Perhaps it was to be decided later that Frackles ARE aliens? The world will never know.

What I do NOT agree with is the Kermit-engaged kiss to Piggy in the Christmas Special. It's MUCH MORE funnier with unrequited love.

Otherwise, Carry on.

(I'm gonna be raked across the corals because of defending MFS, I just KNOW it! LOL!)

Janice & Mokey's Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Originally posted by Fozzie Bear
I was surprised to hear Piggy say she had to "pee," but then again, Janice said, "look buddy, I don't take my clothes off for anybody, even if it IS artistic!" So, keeping in mind that there has always been some cutting edge humor from Henson, I'm not surprised.

(I'm gonna be raked across the corals because of defending MFS, I just KNOW it! LOL!)
But nudity and bodily functions are completely different things. Janice is a humanoid Muppet, obviously sexy, and Henson played on that (with her "naked beach" and "even if it is artistic" lines), cause she's a sexy character. You associate her with that.

You do not, however, associate Miss Piggy with needing to relieve herself---puppets just don't do that, like cartoon characters don't.


Crazy Harry

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by Janice & Mokey's Man
---puppets just don't do that, like cartoon characters don't.
Where have you been the last decade?

Janice & Mokey's Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Originally posted by Crazy Harry
Where have you been the last decade?
Sleepin' right beside you in our room with Kevin and Nate (but separate beds, of course).

I mean the cartoons puppets I know. You never hear the Thundercats or Masters of the Universe or fraggles or gorgs talkin' about that kinda stuff...

Crazy Harry

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by Janice & Mokey's Man
Sleepin' right beside you in our room with Kevin and Nate (but separate beds, of course).
Wrong thread.

Originally posted by Janice & Mokey's Man
I mean the cartoons puppets I know. You never hear the Thundercats or Masters of the Universe or fraggles or gorgs talkin' about that kinda stuff...
True, but keep in mind that you're talking to a John K fan.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Originally posted by Janice & Mokey's Man
Sleepin' right beside you in our room with Kevin and Nate.

We don't want everyone to know!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2002
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I completely agree that the Muppets have changed!! The new movies don't compare to the original Muppet films. I get such a happy feeling watching 'The Muppet Movie' or 'The Christmas Toy' and all the other original works. The new ones just don't give me that same 'magical' feeling. I know you guys know what im talking about! Now don't get me wrong, the new films have still been enjoyable but they just lack the...i dont know...the spirit maybe of the original films. and the classics will always be there to go back to like a good friend. We can always count on them!