And...some more to my list!
I prefer...
Alone over company (unless I'm with my mom, or my bunny)
Sunrise over sunset.
Showers over baths (unless I'm too tired to stand)
DVD Season Sets over regular DVD's
The "Ber" months over other months ("Ber Months" as in: SeptemBER, OctoBER, NovemBER, DecemBER).
Cartoon Network over Nickelodeon (although I rarely watch the crappy new CN anymore)
Cable over DISH
Saying "supper" over "dinner"
Regular milk over flavored milk (expect for Nesquik which I can't live without).
Kool-Aid over Juice (right now at least)
Sesame Street over The Muppet Show (TMS was never on during my lifetime, so I don't know much about it)
100+ min. movies over -100 min movies
Sitcoms over reality
Late shows over matinees
B.J. Without mustache over B.J. with mustache
B.J. over Trapper (but I really like Trapper too)
Col. Potter over Henry Blake (I also really like Henry, he used to be one of my faves)
Charles over "Ferret Face" Frank (no one was as big of villain on M*A*S*H as Frank)