What can my Christmas present Be?


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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Hey Everyone-

I have been anticipating it for months now, I know my hisband got me something good, and it has something to do with henson, hopefully the fantasy worlds section, aka the dark Crystal or labyrinth. I was hoping something from the Creature Shop! That would be awesome.

Here are his hints:

It is something no one else could own, one of a kind not made to sell.

I will really love and it is better and more rare than all my collectables:excited:

My observations:

It looks to be in poster wrappiing, so some sort of poster or really light and slender item.

What I think it might be:

A peice of Artwork that Jim Henson, Brian froud and others worked on for fun, and signed by them!:excited:

I will know tomorrow, so I will let everyone else now, but let me know what you think it is too!

Merry Christmas Everyone!:smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Super Scooter said:
I dunno what it could be!
Could it be Barry Lee? :eek: lol, anyway yeah, we need to know what this is cos it's been on my mind non stop for days now!


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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My Christmas Present~!~

Hey everyone!:smile:

Sorry to keep you waiting! Another unexspected present from him was his really bad cold! LOL

Okay... here is what it was!!!

It is an Orginal Movie Poster of Labyrinth......Signed by JIM HENSON!!!!
The person he bought it from said he worked at the Creature Shop with Jim and it was a gift to him from Jim Henson himself! It says "Thank you, Tony Jim Henson"

I will take a picture of it for everyone to see!

Just to think Jim Henson Touched that poster!! He said it has been in his closet for years so i bet his fingerprints are still on it:smile:

Jim Henson is my Hero, so this present is the best ever!

I have a reprint poster of Labyrinth ( the same one) in a frame so i am going to switch them, anyone want my reprint one? It is in perfect condition:smile:


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Wow, that's some caring hubby you have! Can I have him instead?
You mean you're actually going to hang that poster? Oh well, it's better than letting it go unnoticed and unappreciated, I guess.
Congradulations on the new addition, and happy holidays! (The holidays don't end 'til the New Year.)


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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lol yeah he is!

the frame will keep it from dust and everything and no doubt i will look at it everyday:smile: hehe!:smile:


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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Okay everyone... I did a little research to learn more about my item and here is what i found:

The poster was in a package marked from Britian 1986, with the addresses name Tony Freeman. Who is Tony Freeman? Well...he worked on Labyrinth as a Modeller!( and worked in Legend as a Sculptor too!)

So they it connects the "Tony, Thank you" to the Package.

Here is the Story behind him getting the poster:

Jim was suppose to sign off on something for Tony, so instead he signed the poster and gave it to him! That sounds like something Jim would do!:smile:

You know it is a real theatrical poster because it has the disclaimer on the bottom and you know it is old because it is just slightly starting to yellow because of its age.

I was skeptical at first but now i know its REAL! :smile:

Want to see Pictures? Ofcourse you do!!! I uploaded them on my website below!!! ( I use this website for ebay and other pics i link to websites so it is mixed but has the pics on it, just click the fraggle pic that says "My jim henson Poster")

I love my present not only because Jim Henson Signed it but an actual creature shop worker was given this gift, not just a fan or something!