Eh, you don't mind me going on a short rant about McFarline, USA, do you?
Why do we have to constantly see these lame "based on a true story" sports movies about how caring Caucasian coaches taking in the backwards ethnic players/team/single guy with amazing talent that somehow comes out of nowhere? We all heard the tired rant of "Hollywood's running out of ideas" any time a movie someone doesn't like pops up. Super hero movie? Hollywood has run out of ideas. Sequel of a prequel of a remake? Hollywood has run out of ideas. Anything that isn't some imaginary indie film that no one's going to watch anyway? Hollywood has run out of ideas.
BUT you never hear "UGH! Another uninspired, exaggerated, barely based on a true story sports movie! Hollywood has run out of ideas." Not to say there aren't quality ones by any means. There are some great ones, they just aren't my thing. But this new crop of emotionally manipulative wannabe Oscar Bait is just sad. While most of these movies routinely toss aside the actual stories for movie storytelling (forgivable, as they're movies), these last ones just turned into "slightly based off an event to the point where we could have just made our own movie without any alterations, but then we'd probably get sued."