I just came back from seeing it; and oh. My. Word.
I can't even explain into words how much I had adored this film. From start to finish, it had made me cry, laugh, and even applauded when the credits rolled. And it sure does have the heart of a Disney animated movie and the action of a Marvel movie.
Three words: Baymax, Baymax, Baymax. Baymax, on the other hand, is now officially my hero because of how (
spoilers!) sweet and sacrificial he is. Don't you just want to give him a big hug in person??
Plus the final scene after the end credits
@Muppet fan 123 had mentioned: brilliant!!
Aww, and even the short film beforehand had warmed my heart. Just, how can you not love Winston??
Big Hero 6 is the kind of movie that you'll want to see over and over again, and I know for sure that I will sometime later~