Or maybe kids actually know that it is fake. besides, what happens in reality is a great deal scarier than anything in film. But then again, I pretty much stood up, cheered and howled when Harvey Dent became Two-Face, so that's just me.What bothered me more about kids in The Dark Knight was not that their parents took them to see it (I've sadly gotten used to that outrageous idea by now) ... but that the kids didn't bat an eye (LOL ... "bat an eye"). Something seems off when your toddler isn't scared by sociopaths.
So seems like people like this film so far... a good sign, since Alan Moore's other comics didn't fare well at all on the big screen (League of Extraordinary gentlemen... all I have to say). In fact, he wanted his name off the picture completely. Again, with the way LEG came out, I wouldn't want my name on anything either.
Still, I'm waiting for someone to make a The Tick movie. That comic is just SCREAMING to get made.