SOUND?? No, this one didn't have sound. It was a silent film. A silent, choppy, 2 minute film...if even that long.
Snakes are easy to make. That's why I did the snake. And snowmen are easy to make too. And the snowman didn't have to move much. Just his mouth. The clay boy was sculped by the lady in the class. It was the best looking clay thing in the film, but the boy fell over as soon as my snake appeared so we just said the boy fainted.
The guy who did the snowman operated the camera because his snowman didn't have to move much. Wanna know how I got my snake to come out of the ground? First I made a snake, then I chopped it up into little pieces, then I built it back together again piece by piece for the camera so it looked like it was coming out of the ground.