

Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2003
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To be quite frank, the McCain campaign has been playing so foul and Dirty lately, even Dick Dastardly would blush. "Oh, he served on a board with someone who was a terrorist while Obama was watching Sesame Street. He didn't really know him well, but... yeah!" and "Hey! The more we can make people think of that 'Crazy' Reverend of his, the less people will remember McCain's strongest religious supporter was a Nazi sympathizer who really said despicable things."

Obama's stuff has been different. He basically says that McCain is like Bush, and attacks McCain's record. Seems that the right is running scared and pulling all sorts of crazy crap. It reminds me of the Massachusetts governor's race of 06..... the right side, so desperate to keep into power brought up the instance of a convicted rapist that conned a lot of people into believing he was innocent. And the Republican candidate's commercials pretty much said "If you elect the Democrat, rapists will run all over the streets."

And guess what? People said that went way too far. And it cost them the election.

Mudslinging, no matter who or what, is tight with politics. If you can't find a reason for people to vote for you, find a reason not to vote for the other guy. BUT, watch out for what you say. If you go too negative, you'll alienate people.

You cant say that Obama is more "truthful" than McCain- they both lie and do what they can to get elected. Both sides are crooked and have big problems- how can anyone really be compleately for one or the other?

You know, Im just afraid, afraid of who ever becomes president. Im afraid if Obama becomes president that we will have another 9/11, another war- he was never in the millitary, he does not know much about the millitary, but he will be the leader in the millitary- and my husband is in the millitary and stuck in it for the next 10 years. So its going to be MY family directly involved if something goes horribly wrong, my kids who will grow up with out a daddy. Obama has some pretty radical (well the Democrats in general) ideas when it comes to this war, and I dont think they will work. No I dont agree compleatly with the war we are in BUT its too late now, we cant just WALK away and say "Oops, sorry guys! Just kidding!" they will be over here so fast for another 9/11 it wont even be funny. They have to finish what they started, like it or not, or eveyone who died for the cause, died in vein, because it will be right back at our front door. And guess who will have to go? my friends and family.

McCain at least knows this, and was in the military for a long time. Knows about millitary familys and how much is sacrificed. No I dont agree with everything he says, but somehow you have to figure out who to vote for and vote by issues you stand for the most. Another one I vote by is abortion- dont get into this on here, but I personaly think its wrong, especialy partial birth abortion, and I dont want that comming back when Obama is president. One thing Bush did right was getting rid of that.

anyway that is my OPINION- the opinion of a military spouce

Speed Tracer

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
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Dont say such things- dont ever say such things, you can only say such thing (Im guessing) because you had NO ONE who was directly effected by 9/11- and next time, you might. DONT EVER WISH THAT UPON ANYONE.

With that being said, we DID have a 9/11- yeah it brought us together, and look now, as you said, It didnt last long. So if we "need another 9/11" (please God no) how long before we need ANOHTER one by your logic? if it didnt last long, like the last time- every 6 years? there has got to be a better way. No I dont know what that is, but its NOT another 9/11.
That's not what I meant, at all, but it doesn't matter.



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Another one I vote by is abortion- dont get into this on here, but I personaly think its wrong, especialy partial birth abortion, and I dont want that comming back when Obama is president. One thing Bush did right was getting rid of that.
I Know there's gonna be some backlash of me saying this, but... Abortion and stuff like that are noise to me. And especially in this economy, how is legalizing or illegalizing that gonna put food on my plate and give me a job? Killing Fetuses is apparently "evil" but taking food away from the hungry, letting people starve and die on the streets, and pulling the dreams out of everybody's heads is moral?

To me, that seems like something we should only worry about when our jobs don't keep going to places we owe money for in the first place.

Plus, as I've been saying, a lot of the reason we're at war with certain countries is the crap that was pulled in the 1980's... which I won't go into.

So my guess would be that he's trying to appeal to Democrats and Independents by saying, "Yeah, I'm a Republican, but I disagree with my party so much that it doesn't really count."
He WAS a Maverick. The key word is was. Up until he lost the party nomination in 00 to Bush. since then, he's been sucking up to his political base, even embracing the crazies on the far religious right that he once said were dangerous. I have to say, McCain would have been a good president 8 years ago. he probably would have taken us to a different direction But now, his plans are to do the same exact things Bush did (Tax Cuts especially) and he expects to change things.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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just a point of view...

Amazingly I think foreign policy is working itself out right now (finally) and a new face in office (no matter what the party affiliation) will only help.

I think the (potential) catastrophe that could bring this country together is our economy. It looks as if things are going to get worse before they get better. There has been such a lack of balance in the country's economic policies that has gotten us into this mess and there's a lot of blame to spread around on all sides.

Republicans typically believe that individuals who have worked their way up to the top of the business world should not be penalized for their success. They feel if these wealthy Americans were taxed less that they could grow their businesses and help the economy in the process. This is largely considered the "trickle down theory".

Democrats typically believe that consumerism fuels the economy and that America is its largest consumer therefore taxes help stimulate growth while creating programs intended to help citizens in crisis. This is largely known as "tax and spend economics".

Both ideas have much data and supporters to lend merit to them. I think shades of both can work together. That is really why we need a third party.

I already voted so it's probably safe for me to admit that along with being a frogboy I am also an obamaboy. The thing is - I don't dislike John McCain. I never have. I just don't favor his stance on key issues and heck - it's about time to nominate some new justices.
To demonstrate my social views I'll note two propositions on California's ballot.

Proposition V is a policy that would allow voluntary military JROTC programs back in public high schools. It is my view that an institution can't take government money and selectively disallow their mere presence. I don't like the war, but joining the military is an individual decision and joining school clubs is one that parents should decide. I voted YES. Allow them back in along with all the other groups of job recruiters. :attitude:

Proposition 8 would eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry. This is a right that we already have, but some religious folk want to amend the State Constitution to keep gay men and women from having this right. I voted NO. Allow religious groups and individuals to condemn such unions, but I don't think the government should sanction such prejudice. This world is big enough for all. :zany::zany:

So that sums it up in a nutshell. I feel these ideas are fair-minded and permit individual choices and freedoms rather than government interference *preventing* people from living their lives as they see fit.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Very interesting to read all your thoughts.
Erm, I'm Australian so you may think it's a bit stupid me posting in here. But seriously...there has been sooooooooo much about your election on TV, it's just EVERYWHERE. Like there's been more about it than even our own election! So I'm quite interested to know the outcome...when it comes.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2004
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^ Hopefully we'll know later tonight, and it won't extend into the AMs...


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
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According to CNN, McCain has won Kentucky.:rolleyes:

I THINK they said Obama won Vermont, if I'm not mistaken. I pray to God that Obama wins the whole thing, I really do.

Only time will tell within these next few hours...

EDIT: Yes, Obama won Vermont.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2003
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Voted and while I can sit and list my views on this or that, honestly, I'm not fond of either candidate, but they're what we have to deal with.
also another military spouse, getting ready to send hubby on deployment next month for a year.. (and agree, we have to see it through this time, the reason we're doing this now is at least in part to having pulled out of the gulf too early last time.. and yes, hubby was there last time, too..) and really, while I disagree with a lot of Obama's policies, that even wasn't what won my vote (not fond of all of McCain's either...) but, there is just something that doesn't sit right with me about Obama... I can't pin it down exactly, but, it's kind of like when I was a kid and every time President Jimmy Carter came on TV.. I ran and hid under my mother's rocking chair.. I didn't know why, but he scared me... I get the same feeling when thinking of having Obama as President... *sigh*
this is really the first time i've ever felt this anxious about an election....
so.. I voted McCain.. I can at least attest that Sarah can actually get things done.. *shrug*