Videos: Deleted Scene and Bloopers from "The Muppets" Blu-ray


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Yup, just found it on Netflix recently which is great. Now the documentary has not changed my cynical view of Elmo's World, heh, but I loved Kevin's overall story. It's very inspirational, particularly for young people starting out their careers. You will likely encounter a lot of setbacks, but you can't let that defeat you. :smile:

And yeah there were a lot of photos of Jim and Richard I'd never seen before which is always nice and it was great getting to know Kermit Love better.
You can tell Kevin reaches into this very vulnerable, stunted child like part of himself when you see his face and body language as he's performing Elmo.

The only part of the movie that made me sad...was I think he should have spent more time with his daughter. I realize he wanted Elmo to have the utmost quality performances worldwide, but I think it was highly unecessary for him to be at EVERY promotional spot in the late 90s through mid 2000's.

However the fact he's gone so out of his way to help children in many different ways I think counter balances that.

It just sucks that most Muppet fans will skip out on it because of the Elmo title or because its an independent documentary.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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My gripe is that people are unwilling to acknowledge that Disney went out of their way to deliberately screw dvd owners. Even Frogboy acknowedges its a ploy to get people to give up dvds.
Yeah, like I said... EVERY company wants to do it, though... Rango had 10 scenes and an alternate ending, and I swear there was some very recent movie I just looked at the back of and it was loaded with features... and it was the standard version. It's a big conform or Frog You... something that's dreadful about our consumerist culture. And you can say "Oh, blu-ray is ONLY a hundred bucks" all you like. And I don't care if it works on a standard 10 year old, falling apart TV set that's like 13". It would just look like everything else. If anything, I need a new TV, and they're all relatively expensive, unless you buy a fall apart third party brand.

The bottom line is there was no need to do this, it's a cheap marketing ploy, and they wouldn't stand to lose any money if they put at least the deleted scenes and the Tex Richman extended song on the standard version. After all, if there's one thing that everyone wants, it's to essentially see more movie. It's such a cheap trick to force a sell up on people, and I bet Sony's pulling strings backstage.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2004
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my main gripes with everyone complaining right now are 2 things

1: everyones taking it as a personal attack, as if Disney is doing this just to spite you who dont own a blu ray player

2: everyone forgets EVERY BLU RAY IS LIKE THIS from The Muppet to Transformers to even bad movies like What's Your Number?...not one of those have really any special features on the standad disks...heck Transformers didnt even have features on the regular Blu Ray...every movie and studio does this...why are we so surprised that it happened now?


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2002
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1: everyones taking it as a personal attack, as if Disney is doing this just to spite you who dont own a blu ray player
Well in a way, it's worse than an attack. As DrTooth said, it is a marketing ploy that is encouraging unnecessary and wasteful spending when many Americans are out of work and struggling to get by. I have a perfectly working DVD player and for me to have to spend my money (that I kinda need right now) on a Blu Ray player just to get some bonus features is beyond insane and again, incredibly wasteful. Capitalism run amok is screwing the country right now and nothing is going to change unless people speak against it and refuse to just go along with these conglomerates' games.

The future of technology is in streaming video, not physical disks, and these companies know it. They're treading water and hoping they can at least still manipulate the public (and their money) a couple more years.

That does not mean we are not happy to have The Muppets (2011) on DVD/Blu Ray. Of course we are and that's the point. These companies are counting on our enthusiasm. They're taking advantage of our love for the Muppets. They're hoping we'll just ignore the games they're playing. And a lot of us are just sick of playing the game.

So this is not just mindless complaining. This is ordinary people who are just a little tired of having their fandom get taken advantage of.

The only part of the movie that made me sad...was I think he should have spent more time with his daughter. I realize he wanted Elmo to have the utmost quality performances worldwide, but I think it was highly unecessary for him to be at EVERY promotional spot in the late 90s through mid 2000's.
Yeah that's the downside of the business, it does take you away from the family a lot.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Some see the donut, others can't help but complain about the hole in the center for posts and posts and posts and posts.

And posts.

Constructive criticism is one thing, but there always seem to be members who pick apart every bit of good news only to see the bad in it. This transcends the Blu-ray vs DVD discussion and paints the whole forum. It's one thing to express/explore disappointment in a home video release or a portion of a movie, but it's another to rant about it for 4 pages of a thread and talk about evil agendas and boycotting things. MC is becoming a much less thoughtful place in recent years. Bah, I started my thread and will be focusing more on those while I watch the special features on the Blu-ray player I purchased for my love of Henson/Muppet movies. :smile: