Anyway let's get back on topic,
here's a very special video. Jim and Kevin working together on the 1980s Muppet Meeting Films, most famously the remake of the Muppet sketch classic "Monster Eats the Machine" which was originally the pre-Cookie Monster's debut after being the wheel stealer from that chip or cracker commercial.
What's the name of this monster, Lunchen Monster or something like that. I think this is the second time the actual monster did the sketch, first time was The Muppet Show I believe. He must be one of the longest used Muppet Monsters. Originally used for The Muppet Show and I think the last time I remember seeing him was David Rudman performing him for a Muppet Meeting Films intro from 1993 or something like that. Was he in the background in the new Muppet movie? I noticed a lot of the Muppet Monsters returned in that, even Beautiful "Got Anything Cheaper" Day Monster.
By the way, Kevin performed both Beautiful Day and this Muppet Monster on The Bill Cosby Show appearance. What a coincidence. lol