Vet's Hospital? Uncle Deadly? MT


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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hhmm I think the stage is one that should be a regular playset. If it comes down to cost then maybe we can have that as the only playset for that year. Better one great stage than 2 playsets and no stage. I think anything that can be done well as a mini playset should be down but the stage is too important.


Feb 22, 2003
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I agree, the stage and backstage should really be made, I'd choose that over a vet's hospital or muppet labs anyday. I still think it would be a cool idea. I still think it would be cool for some characters to come w/ stage-like stuff. Like Pops with a bacstage desk or something like that, so we'd have all sorts of little things to build on to the stage when it finally comes out. There could even be a place for the camera Kermit came with and stuff like that


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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Oh yes. Figures should come with stage and back stage stuff if they have no other better accessories. Like pops should come with his window desk thing and just like Statler and Waldorf will have their chairs. That means saving money on the stage my not including chairs or Pops' desk/window. Also, Gonzo will have his trumpet, something that now doesn't need to come with the stage. Same thing with camera's Piggy's vanity, etc. The stage really only needs to be a stage with a curtain, balcony, and orchestra pit.


Feb 17, 2003
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Put my vote in for a full VH playset with figures for each of them, if it's at all financially possible. My favorite has always been Rowlf, and to have to clothe Naked Rowlf to show off Dr. Bob just won't seem... right to me.

I also heartily endorse the necessity of the Muppet Stage (with balcony for Statler and Waldorf) and would pay extra for it.

Koozbanian Foob

Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2003
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A Vote for Uncle Deadly!

Hi Everybody! :smile:

This is my first post to this forum and I can't tell you how happy I am to have found Muppet Central. I've been lurking for a while and I'm really glad to join in.

My personal holy grail of a Muppet Figure (aside from my namesake of course) would be an Uncle Deadly fig. Phantom of the Muppet Show, baby! Perhaps one of the most interesting character designs and face articulations found on any muppet.

A creepy iron candle holder or lantern might make a good accessory...otherwise I'll have to watch the episode again.

Anyone else think of any gimicks for UD?

Having fun on Koozbane, Wish you were here,
Koozbanian Foob

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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It's often been suggested that Uncle Deadly should come with a pipe organ, and I suggested a skull. And of course he'll have his cape.

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Not to mention that I myself, being a gothic counter, suggested that Uncle Deadly's packed-in skull be none other than Yorich itself!

Zack the Dog

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I think a VH set woyuld be great,you have to remember it would look nothing like how the set looks on the show, i feel it would have a more Vetranarin feel to it, kinda like combining the pet care center rowlf managed in TMTM. it could come with Foo Foo miss Piggys's dog, Gaffer, or other muppet dogs and cat or maybe a penguin chicken or rat?

it can't come with them all but two or three animals would be nice. Foo Foo's on the top of my list next to Gaffer. they defantly have to use Janice(along with Piggy) again in this line because there are hardly any muppet females, i wouldn't want to dress up my Rowlf figure, i would buy two of them if they did that. actauly i think i'm buying four reg Rowlfs anyways:wink: Still if the set is made it should come with Rowlf if not then Janice,Piggy already has a set.

i guess they all would not have the same shade of Green for their outfits, or either white ones, Rowlf should look the same as he did on the show though, but there needs to be some kinda difference between Nurse Piggy and Nurse Janice i guess, like how the PIS charcters look diffrent but still stick to the show and look good.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I hope they'll put a 'Penguin Patient' in with Dr Bob and the VH Playset. The thing is accessories are cheaper then sculpted pack-in's and Ken's said there's little chance of them - but you can't really do a Vets Hospital with nurses and doctors if you don't have any patients ....... i guess all the other line figures could be patients but they aren't in hospital garb, unless it came with a few gowns you could put over figures.

Zack the Dog

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Oh yeah I know ken said it was expensive but maybe Nurse Piggy carded could come with Foo Foo, it is her dog, a Penguin could come with the set with Dr Bob, and Janice carded could come with Gaffer or something, the set would come later and maybe Piggy and Janice could be in diffrent lines.

although didn't ken say 2004 would be the year of the pack in's? I know I did read that he said it is very expensive for pack in's and i read the whole reason why they are. maybe this was before he knew they would cost so much?

if not we gotta get Foo Foo some how, i think it's safe to say that we will get a few pack in every now an then just not the loads and loads everyone wants and not in every series. VH is a far way of from now "if they make it" so maybe it could come with one if not two pack in's?