Very SAD need some help


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2003
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I've experienced depression and feeling like crying all the time before, its not a nice time, I felt like my life was coming to an end but I learnt to deal with it and think positive and havent had any problems since. I hope you feel better soon!


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2003
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Lol, that is very strange! It would have been a weird thing to see out the window!

King Jim

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2004
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camillachick said:
Hi out there.
So I'm very sad lately and even though I don't have any of you on the board as close friends, I thought the anonymous thing could help me talk more easily to any of you. I also wrote it in capitals because it can stand for Seasonal Affective Disorder. I realized that my depressions often strike during winter and wonder if I have the disorder or a mild case of it. Anyone know alot about SAD? I am irritable and keep taking my anger out by yelling at my husband or crying. Both of these things make him sad and I need to stop but don't know how. I am reluctant to go to a doctor because of past issues with them in general, but if anyone knows a good one in the Albany area please recommend. I am also researching light therapy and would appreciate more info on that as well.
Please help. Even suggestions on what to do when I get so hopeless will help. I usually end up breaking things or cutting up cardboard with an exacto knife.
I know how you feel. I use to get jelous that my great-granddaughter had blonde hair and I had grey hair.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Personally, I cannot stand winter. Don't know if it is Seasonal distress, or that I frakkin' hate shoveling the white gunk. and when the tempurature gets lower, I get increasingly angry. I don't know why... but I love wearing shorts, if that's the problem. And not really a fan of 3 hours of sunlight either...

I like to walk around in the fresh warm air. Don't mind if it rains. Unless it pours, and it's windy.... but when winter comes, you can't really do that. Really makes me depressed and frustraited!