Very Brief Cameos: Your Picks for the New Muppet Movie

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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2) No High School Musical stars
Everyone keeps saying this, and I agree, to a point. Zach Efron's okay. He's done more than High School Musical. I'm not saying I'd love to see him in a Muppet movie, but he wouldn't be the worst choice.

Choose: Harrison Ford. He is actually a very funny person, and I think he'd be kind of fun to see with the Muppets in a role that would be somewhat out of his typical character.

Choose: Martin Short. He was on Muppets Tonight, and he really should be in a Muppet movie. Actually, my dream would be to see Steve Martin and Martin Short do a cameo together, expecially since they're good friends.

Choose: Chevy Chase. Say what you like about him, I like Chevy Chase. In the first season of SNL, he always cracks me up. He wrote for the Muppets, he was in Follow That Bird, come on! More Chevy Chase!

My chooses are out-numbering my skips, mainly because I already agree with everyone elses skips.

Speed Tracer

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May 24, 2005
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Efron is actually a very talented guy, and he was one of the many highlights of "Hairspray"... plus he's doing a movie with Richard Linklater! Not my first pick but far from being on my skip list.


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Oct 10, 2007
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Robin Williams - Would make my dream come true. :stick_out_tongue:
You took the words right out of my mouth. I have other choices as well, though.


Jeff Dunham: That would be a good combination. I could just see Walter making fun of the Muppets along with Statler and Wardolf...:sleep:...:boo:

Frank Calendo: That would be great to see him do his impressions along with the Muppets.


Dane Cook: He sucks! I can't stand him.

Ryan Seacrest: Just because, this also includes anyone who was on American Idol.

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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That guy that plays Dwight Schrute on the office. I keep forgetting his name, but I could see him as some sort of no nonsense bureaucrat that's so obsessed with order, he winds up screwing things up in a disorderly fashion (similar to Hermes in Futurama).

And while we're on the Office, I'd also like to see Ricky Gervaise get something. After all, he did mention the muppets several times in one episode of the British series. And I think the one time he wrote a script for the US co-production there was a muppet reference in it. You know, I could even see him as the villain of the piece.

I wouldn't mind Steve Carell (Office again) either. He's just in everything, so it wouldn't be half as special as it was when he was a bit player.
I think I'd like to see pretty much anyone from The Office working with the Muppets. In particular, Steve Carell, Jenna Fischer and/or Rainn Wilson (Dwight). I only pick them out of that cast they've actually been in movies, and I think they usually stick to movie stars for movie cameos. Not always, and sometimes it's better to have some television stars mixed in, too.

While I'm talking about stars of both television and movies, pretty much anyone from Arrested Development would be a good choice, too.


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Jan 8, 2004
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After watching Cookie Monster's recent appearance on the Colbert show, I'd like to add that I think he would make an awesome addition to the movie :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Bob Saget or Dave Coulier would be good choices in my opinion.
and of corse you need some Muppeteer cameos too (but who, i don't know).

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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Choose: Jerry Lewis. I just want to see Jerry Lewis in a Muppet movie. I don't know if he would do a cameo, but it would be great.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Choose: Jerry Lewis. I just want to see Jerry Lewis in a Muppet movie. I don't know if he would do a cameo, but it would be great.
That would be greater than great. he's already worked with the muppets (kind of) in the Labor Day MDA Telethons, that would work great


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2002
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Sports figures.... neh. Not that either. Larry Bird, or someone old school would be funny. But I really think sports figures work better on Sesame Street than Muppet movies.
That got me thinking of a sketch of Larry Bird meeting Big Bird on Sesame Street!

*Larry Bird is wondering around Sesame Street looking for something*

*A big yellow object, Big Bird, walks over to Larry, wondering who he is and what he's doing on Sesame Street*

Big Bird: Hi there.

Larry Bird: Oh hi....

*Larry looks from Big Bird's feet to the top of his head, looking at the big gigantic yellow bird*

Larry Bird: My name is Larry Bird.

*Big Bird is surprised by Larry's last name*

Big Bird: Really! My name is Big Bird! But I don't think we're related.

*Larry is confused*

Larry Bird: Why do you think that?

Big Bird: Well we have the same last name, but you don't look like a bird at all. There's no feathers, no beak, nothing! But you sure are tall!

*Larry breaks the fourth wall and looks sarcastically into the camera*

Speed Tracer

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
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Someone mentioned Jerry Stiller... something that might be fun to see, actually, is (since all the Muppets have gone to do other things) for Fozzie to have a sitcom of his own, a la "Seinfeld" or "Ellen" and have Jerry Stiller play his father.