Hello all...
Just was introduced to the board this morning, so I thought I would chime in on this thread (and try to stop by from time to time)....when we started preselling the series 2 cases and sets of 4 back in Feb, we were not aware there would be a variant (Floyd) figure. We presold cases at $89.99 for those that wanted multiple sets at a better than average retail price (maybe to open, leave one MOC, extras for kids, etc) and sets of 4 at $35.96. I know that all 3 of my kids each have their own set opened and played with, so the case route is beneficial to some.
To be fair to all that have already preordered these past months (before a variant was announced), we will, of course, randomly ship variant Floyds to every third preorder of the sets (assuming we get one variant per case, and three sets per case, every 3rd order will be shipped a set with the variant).
Just to clarify, we did not presell a case to "force" a customer to buy a whole case just to get a variant for reasons stated above (in fact, even now, there is still no mention of variant on our site). And we will not charge Premium prices to our customers just to get a chase figure or set with a chase figure (we don't like the idea of chase figures, anyway).
The whole idea of a chase figure, in our opinion, is really designed to get retailers to order more product from a manufacturer, in hopes of increasing sales, but, in reality, we feel it hurts the collector (the "completists") when they are not able to locate a chase figure, or at least do so at retail prices (Can anyone say "Playmates 1701" Fiasco)...
I have told any customer of ours that will listen, that I think the Muppets series 1 set should be the "toy/collectible of the year"...hands down, in our opinion the best produced (in overall terms of packaging, painting opps of the figures, stunning realism, value, accessories etc) figures so far...I just hope Palisades can build on the momentum that series 1 has established.