US Fraggle Vs. UK Fraggle


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2003
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I too like many others have only seen the US version but from what I've seen of the Captain from the UK my vote goes to the US one. I think Doc is awesome and can not imagine FR with out him. Of course I did grow up with Doc so I am totally bias.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2003
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I've only seen the American one too. Does anyone know what version aired in Australia? the American or UK verision? Since ive only seen the American version im guessing it would be that one.

Also, in A Muppet Family Christmas with the appearance of Doc, was the UK character put in this movie for the the UK?


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Dec 20, 2004
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No it was Doc. At least that's who I've got on my DVD - I don't think it was shown on UK tv until later, so they couldn't slot mr Mackay in there.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
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I just watched my UK version of ''Wembley's Egg'', one of my favourite episodes.
Up until now after reading about the UK vs USA Doc segments I had never really took much notice of the differences!!

The USA version, sees Sprocket surrounded by balloons and a banner trying to get Doc to notice its his Birthday.

UK: The Captain (UK Doc) enters carrying an injured wild bird. As the epsiode moves on, Sprocket wants to keep the bird but Captain explains to him that it is wrong and it must be set free, pretty much like Wembley's problems with his 'tree creature''.
Gobo enters to collect his Card and comments on how weird they are! then exits, This is the first time that I have noticed Gobo is a different puppet used for this segment, he is Newer looking, fresher, chubbier and cuddly cute!!

Anyway, back to the US version. When Wembley wants help to get the 'tree creature' back to the parents, Gobo remembers the Balloons in Docs workshop and Gobo gets some to lift the creature to safety.

UK version, Gobo tells Wembley we'll all help you think of something. Cuts to Sprocket and the wild bird again for a short segment. Then back to The Fraggles with the Tree Creature in a basket with lots of balloons above him as he floats to the sky!! There is no mention of where these Balloons came from??

I know its a kids program, and I seen this episode when it first aired and have seen it many times since, but have not noticed these differences before!!

US version, finally Doc realises its Sprockets Birthday.

UK version, Doc and Sprocket go out side onto the Lighthouse and release the bird!! Argghhh!!

As this post is about the 'Doc' difference, I must admit I much prefer the UK version, I always feel Sprocket is portrayed as more Dog like, where as in US version he is to 'human' too cartoony.

I will also now remember to look more closely at the Gobo puppet used in the UK segments when I watch my UK DVD's and Videos.

Chris :smirk:


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2004
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charlynoa said:
I didn't know there were different series anyway.
Are there different DVDs to buy, too?

In Germany there was just the US series translated, I think.
But we have a muppet-like series in Germany, called "Hallo Spencer" (wich means "Hello Spencer").

So THAT'S where Hallo Spencer came from. :excited: I had often wondered. I knew it wasn't english or amercian, but I wasn't sure where it oringinated from. I loved that show and would record it every chance I got. I knew right away it wasn't originally amercian. I even looked for Hallo Spencer web sites but I only found one but it wasn't in english. :frown: