Updated "People in your Neighborhood" songs


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2004
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Most of us are familiar with the classic "People in your Neighborhood" song skits. But most of those are from 30 years ago. How about some new songs? Like:

"A systems analyst is a person in your neighborhood"
"A real-estate developer is a person in your neighborhood"
"An market researcher is a person in your neighborhood"
"An televangelist is a person in your neighborhood"

(Note that in one older episode, when Oscar used to receive deliveries of jars of mud, the Muppet who delivered it informally sang, without instruments, the line "Oh a mudman is a person in your neighborhood." He was actually a recognizable Muppet who appeared a number of times.)

Here's one I wrote:

(A Muppet dressed with a visor, holding a cell phone in one hand and a notebook in the other, with a pencil behind his ear, approaches Bob)

AM: "Hey you, guess what? The Steelers are going to beat the Colts by at least 14 points..."
BOB: "And who are you in the funny hat"
AM: "Funny hat? This is my visor."
BOB: "Are you a baseball player"
AM: "No no no, but I take wagers on them."
BOB: "What?!"
AM: "This is my trusty cellphone. And this is my rolebook. I'm a bookie."
BOB: "Isn't a 'bookie' something you read?"
AM: "NO... listen."
AM: (sings)
"Oh a bookie is where you begin
When yer sure your team is gonna win
So if you're for the O's or A's or Mets
Just call me up and place your bets."

BOB: "Cause a bookie is a person in your neighborhood."
AM: "In your neighborhood"
BOB: "In your neigh-bor-hood"
(a second AM, dressed in a suit and tie, holding a briefcase, jumps in the picture.)
AM2: "And a malpractice attorney is a person in your neighborhood"
BOB: They're the people that you meet
ALL: When you're walking down the street
They're the people that you meet. EACH DAY!!!!
(music stops)
AM2: (spoken, to AM1) Have you been injured? You can sue for...
AM1: (interrupts) Never mind that, how much you putting down on the NBA playoffs?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2003
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That was extremly funny!It is soooo true. I seriously was thinking about this the other day. :smile: