They have no reason to do that, until and unless it makes them money.
As I was saying, I'd like them to use the money they use to pay off PR agents and advertising execs to say they're doing it. They have all these big, polished commercials and advertisements saying they're researching, and I doubt they spend a penny to the advertising dollar doing just that. And considering the gas hikes this past summer helped really trigger the recession. Yeah, credit crisis and all that... but it was the cutting back this summer, and the poor sales of back to school supplies that was the match that lit the powder keg.
I still think the US should tax the living crap out of them. They need to be punished. Their Neo-Con gravy Train is OVER. I have no real problem with traditional conservatives... but these Alex P. Keaton style Neo-Cons... they just want their taxes low, and they don't care whose feet they have to step on to get it.
And yes, low taxes isn't bad. Nothing wrong with cutting taxes. But they cut them irresponsibly the past 8 years, and all the money needed to fund the Iraq and Afgani wars was borrowed from China. We gave them OUR jobs and we owe them money for an inadvisable war we didn't need to fight in the first place. Face it, learn your Mandarin. If things keep going the way they've been going, we're New China. I do have faith this new guy's gonna try to stop it. But it's not all up to him.
And yes, a president can't really fix everything. it's not up to him. But when you see who it's up to, you'll really be in despair.