I just sat here and wrote a ton of information about all this, and I can't say it in a way to not sound so harsh, but get over it folks! I'm in the same boat, I suffered art school as a cartoonist and you have to realize something NOW...cartoon art will never be regarded as "true art" until it begins getting the respect it deserves.
Think about it, the only time you really ever see cartoon art is when it's in reprint on newsprint paper, sometimes even chopped up and/or edited by that newspaper and run at a very small scale. That is the whole point of the MidSouth Cartoonists Association is to 'promote cartoon as art.' We've held a few art shows over the past few years, did the whole opening reception thing and had tons of people come through. Guess what? They all still thought of cartoons as a blurb in the newspapers.
I hate to bust bubbles here, but according to a cartoonist friend of mine that works on a nationally syndicated comic strip you can pretty much count on the decline of cartooning. Newspapers would rather sell that space to advertisements than pay to run comic strips, and unless you REALLY know someone, you can bet that getting into the field is NOT going to be easy. And self-publication is hard, too, unless your family is wealthy and really likes you (per 2 experiences of friends of mine). And internet will kill the printed comic strip, I'm sad to say.
What I've noticed is that the majority of comic books today involve vigilante type blood and sex stories, super heros and big chested women. Comic strips? The funny is gone and cartoonists are doing more dramatic lines and such, or they just lack humor (ie, Hagar the Horrible, which one friend of mine used to write for).
The ugly truth is that cartooning is not going to be easy to get into and it will never be regarded with the respect from the public or 'fine artists' as we'd like there to be.
On the other hand, if you are doing work besides cartooning and want to cartoon, what are you doing nights? I work in an (ick) insurance office by day, and do cartooning and puppetry nights and weekends. You have to MAKE TIME for it to do it.
Don't know how and want to learn? Best means for learning the art of cartooning is by learning art first.
Think you know how to draw already? I'm sure someone out there could critique what you've done and tear it to shreds (Lord knows, I have been ripped apart a million times, but learned from it). The only REAL critiques are the ones that are most harsh, but use it as a means to learn, not get your feelings hurt.
Already cartooning? SUBMIT SUBMIT SUBMIT!!! Sitting on your precious comic strips are NOT getting you published. Getting rejection letters? I keep mine, they show me that I'm trying and am being looked at, but you have to keep submitting to get into the field, and "You can't take no for an answer."
I know some of this seems negative, but I am only telling you the truth. In art school, do the 'fine art' as a COMPLIMENT to your cartoon art! Don't just put it down because it isn't cartooning, and when you're older, you'll thank me for saying to do so.
Well, when you're older and published...