Two nature films


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2004
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Two nature films from the early years:

1) It begins with several filmed scenes of nature as a woman with a Judy Collins-like voice sings a song that begins with "Look around, look around." At the beginning there are a few lines to the song added such as "...time goes by". There was a definite "soft and gentle" instrumental accompaniment to the singing.

The film then went into voiceovers by a woman and a little girl -- presumably the same one shown onscreen. The girl's first words were "It's snowing" as the film depicted at that point. The woman asked the girl a string of questions, and when she answered some of them, the season suddenly shifted. A main thread was about milkweed; when the woman asked what she did with them, she answered "open them up at fall" (hey, now it's autumn).

At the end of the clip, the singing returns with a shortened version (or just the end) of the song.
"Look around, look around. How you grow. Look around. Seeeeeeeee. And know."
The final clip shows a boy peacefully sliding down a hill via a grassy path of some sort. Looked like fun, I thought.

2) This next film had a woman singing throughout, and may have been the same person who sang about the body parts ("Hey, those feet are running away"). The only line I recall is the one where a kid is blowing on a dandelion clock (seed globe): "It will grant you what you wish for, if you blow it all away. Mmm-hmm-hmm..." Another scene showed one kid rubbing a buttercup flower agains another kid's chin, causing a yellow residue to remain there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2004
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Hi- Just wanted to confirm that I remember these two films as well. Both were very nice - here are the lyrics to "Look around" as best as I can recall:

Look around, look around, how you grow, days to learn, years to know.
Look around, look around - do you see? Time is turning, quietly.
Look around, look around, time goes by, seasons change in blink of eye
Look around, look around, how you grow, look around, see and know.

The second film was about flowers or plants in general, but the buttercup scene is the main one I remember too! Does anybody happen to have this one?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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I remember the second one as well. And it's amazing what one can do with just an acoustic guitar and a human voice.

I can't remember all the verses, apart from the one on buttercups, except

The sunflowers are the grandest, with stems like little trees
But when they start to blossom, only come up to your knees.

I grow sunflowers in my backyard, and they do reach an amazing height, and this song never fails to put a smile on my face. From the day the seed is planted to the end of autumn, it's always so beautiful to have a little bit of Sesame growing outside.