Well, I saw the regulars, the ones I'd expect to see at 12pm like Kermit, Fozzie, Gonzo, Rizzo, and Pepe, and the ones I didn't really expect like Bunsen, Beaker, and OH MY GOD LINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's one I didn't expect at all, but loved it. Also on the show before 12, one of the guys had a Kermit t-shirt on, and the MMW trailer was playing on a Del computer. So I waited and I saw absolutely NO MUPPETS. Then that show ended and Statler & Waldorf said the best part of the QVC show was when it was over and I said, "I totally agree". Then with the new show Kermit, Piggy, Pepe, and Gonzo appeared and I was happy, also did you know Pepe's favorite villian is Tim Curry from MTI? Then the muppets left and the women started talking about whatever and I changed the channel. My advice is to tune in at the start of every new show and you'll most likely see the muppets, because that's what I'm doing.