I'm going to tackle these both at once...
Still, the fact they didn't even bother to fact check character names and even the show does NOTHING but prove how they deliberately go out of their way to avoid facts unless they can agree with their findings. Not to mention the fact that they clearly didn't want them to be there.
I get ya. It is intriguing due to the Jacobson's Piggy performance earlier this year. I am now sure the morning team was clueless about that. LOL! It's good to see that Sesame's making the rounds on all markets including Fox News even though the Muppets, Sesame Street and PBS have all been targets of the network. I find most morning news crews from all networks to be heavier on tabloid journalism than anything resembling actual news.![]()
I give SW the biggest credit I can for having Telly and Grover appear on a network that on any other given day of the week would say they're brainwashing kids to be gay treehugging communists. That makes SW look like the bigger man. But on the other hand, I agree. I don't want to see Jim Henson to any extent related so the most derisive, bullying, hateful yellow journalism in the free world. If Dinosaurs was still on the air, you know there would be a Weesayso News channel headed up by B.P. Richfield. Heck, I actually lost respect for Henson for Puppet Up being on Trump's Apprentice show. It has nothing to do with his braindead birther crap... such nasty, disgusting forms of deviousness come out of reality TV... I hated that they were associated with the Bachellorette too. At least we can blame Disney and product integration for that.This bit of recent news outlining some disturbing yellow journalism on Fox & Friends just came to my attention. I bring this up because I would not want any of Jim Henson's beloved creations appearing adjacent to such unethical content on any network. It's a good thing that this occurred yesterday and not this morning...
Of course I intend none of this to pick a fight. I just don't want to see Grover and the Sesame gang associated with political advertisements.
Still, the fact they didn't even bother to fact check character names and even the show does NOTHING but prove how they deliberately go out of their way to avoid facts unless they can agree with their findings. Not to mention the fact that they clearly didn't want them to be there.