Anyone have these episodes?
Hello MC. Have you heard of this guy called Ryan Rinkerman? He's mostly into tape trading and his collection mostly involves game shows and other vintage TV shows. On his website, he mentions a couple of rare SS episodes that barely anyone of us have.
SESAME STREET [4 episodes]
-December 1, 1988 (reran 6/1/89)-Episode 2494: Gordon has a headache. Features Billy Dee Williams! (includes game show sketch Bring That Thing) (SS61.2)
-December 2, 1988 (reran 6/2/89)-Episode 2495: Maria is cleaning out her apartment, and Oscar wants the trash (SS62.2)
-December 8, 1988 (reran 6/1/89)-Episode 2499: Telly is having a surprise party. Features Max Headroom! (SS61.1)
-December 9, 1988 (reran 6/2/89)-Episode 2500: Maria is working at the Fix-It shop, and the same man keeps showing up. Features Jay Leno! Starts when the theme is nearly over (SS62.1)
The only person I know who traded with Rysan before is Anton. And I've tried to contact Ryan myself, he only got back to me once which was a week ago. So if you've traded with him and if you have this episodes, please leave me a private message and we'll talk.
