trade old sesame street episoeds


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
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I have an old episode to trade. In return i just want another regular sesame street episode from the 1980s. i'm trying to build a collection. In the episode i have you will see....

Big Bird sings the alphabet, pronounces the whole word "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" instead of naming each letter individually
Telly monster spells out C-O-L-D
Helen Reddy sings
the typerwriter (noo noo noo noo) spells airplane
the duck and rabbit teaparty with the blocks
the kitten knocks over the blocks
Bob with the honk monsters
the yip yips explore a clock
Louis in the fix it shop with a cat that spells H-A-T P-A-T
kermit the frog and Harry monster with the X ray machine
Ernie and cookie monster, ernie builds a device to see if cookie monster can figure out how to get the cookie
The 5 broadway dancers, one by one they disapear
the blue muppet who makes sounds come out of his mouth tries to teach burt how to make a tuba sound
the archer who took the ants apple gets bit on the ankle
my beautiful got baby eyes, baby ears.....the song
the short film of baby eagles, the mother flies to get food for them
the emperers son finds the four mysterious dragons before midnight
Linda teaches a kid about Don't Walk signs
the amazing splasho
The mom with 9 kids, 9 dogs, 9 cats, then they move into the number 10
"T" Train, Teeeeee"
Maria does her Charlie Chaplin imitation, tries to put clothes in drawer
Oscar and Telly in Sneak Peak theature.....some kids in the inner city find an oil drum, and use it to build a steel drum musical instrument

Sorry, i do not know what episode number this is, the very beginning and end is cut off

if you'd like a copy of it and have an episode from the 80's to send me, email me at


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2004
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Hi- That sounds like a good episode you've got. I have some questions for you:

"Telly Monster spells out C-O-L-D." Is this the skit where Telly is doing a weather report, and he can't read the word "cold", so Oscar comes by to help him? That's one of the first "Telly" skits I can remember.

Helen Reddy sang at least two songs on Sesame Street- "Wonder Child" and "I make up songs". Which of these does she sing in your episode?
