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Top Ten Favorite Pokemon

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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While I'm not a hardcore fan of Pokemon, I have played some of the early games, watched the original series quite a bit, and saw the first two and a half movies (I didn't watch all of Pokemon 3). My younger brother is a bigger fan of Pokemon than I am (I'm sure he's as knowledgable about Pokemon as we are about Muppets).

But I do have a top ten list:
  • 1. Ditto
  • 2. Pikachu
  • 3. Meowth
  • 4. Evee
  • 5. Mew (wasn't that the name of a Christmas Story character? :wink: )
  • 6. Mewtwo (ditto)
  • 7. Psyduck
  • 8. Charizard
  • 9. Squirtil
  • 10. Snorlak

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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I haven't watched the show since like...the Orange Islands episodes, but I still play buy the games and play them religiously.

1. Mightyena
2. Mamoswine
3. Krookodile (hes new)
4. Archeops (new)
4. Charizard
5. Feraligatr
6. Lugia
7. Zekrom (hes new too)
8. Rayquaza
9. Sandshrew
10. Ivysaur


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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1. Mewtwo (simply due to his power and intriguing backstory)
2. Totodile (his personality just kills me every time, LOL)
3. Meowth (specifically, TR's)
4. Charizard (specifically, Ash's -- I like rebellious creatures)
5. Rayquaza (watching that point blank hyper beam in that movie just made me go "wow")
6. Gyrados (I had a red one that I absolutely loved ... beat the E4 and champion with 1HP left at the end)
7. Houndoom (for the same reason as 6)
8. Scizor (can't say what I named her on this board, LOL)
9. Dang, this is getting harder ... uh ... hmm ... Squirtle.
10. Entei. I related a lot to that third movie.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2009
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1. Igglybuff (the cutest Pokemon EVER!)
2. Jigglypuff (second cutest!)
3. Togepi (don't underestimate Togepi!)
4. Eevee
5. Typhlosion (level 72! Beat that! :big_grin: )
6. Persian (who doesn't want a cat like that?)
7. Chancey
8. Mew (Awwww! Another cute one! <3 )
9. Pichu (the cuteness never ends)
10. Gyrados (I even have a RED one! Well, I think everyone who has HeartGold/SoulSilver has one... never mind...)

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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10. Gyrados (I even have a RED one! Well, I think everyone who has HeartGold/SoulSilver has one... never mind...)
Its hard to tell from your post, but do you know about shiny pokemon? If you do, just ignore this

While the red Gyarados is always in Gold and Silver/HeartGold and Soul Silver, it is possible to catch one outside those games and/or in a different area other than the lake of rage.

A shiny is basically an alternately colored pokemon. They show up just like regular pokemon, only its like 1 in every 8192 encounters or something, making the rare. I have a shiny feraligatr

Stationary pokemon, like mewtwo, can also appear shiny as well as starters. You can also hatch shiny pokemon from eggs. Apparently its much more common to hatch a shiny if the parent was a shiny.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2009
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Yea, I know about them. Well, I've heard about them, anyway. I've never seen one (unless it's the red Gyrados.) I have HeartGold, so I have nooo idea where to find shiny Pokemon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2004
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
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I still LOVE the Pokemon series, and after getting Black and White, it added some new favorites into my lineup:

1. Murkrow (Based on my favorite animal in real life)
2. Bulbasaur (Probably the best Starter I've ever used, due to its double typing)
3. Volcarona (Great combination of typing, and great moves!)
4. Timburr (Prefer this line to Machop's)
5. Houndour (Won most of my battles in XD thanks to one)
6. Dratini (One of the first I took a liking to)
7. Roselia (Used in my main team a good amount of times)
8. Munchlax (Metronome helped me out tons in Explorers of Sky)
9. Darumaka (Adorable, and super strong)
10. Carracosta (Depended on a good amount of TMs on mine)


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2012
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I have a lot of favorite Pokemon so I decided to split this up with five generations (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova). These lists are in no particular order.

Top 10 Kanto Pokemon
. Pidgeotto
. Nidorina
. Scyther
. Ditto
. Articuno
. Nidorino
. Jigglypuff
. Pidgeot (I owned one in Pokemon: HeartGold)
. Pikachu
. Nidoqueen

Top 10 Johto Pokemon
. Misdreavus
. Meganium
. Quagsire
. Heracross
. Ho-Oh
. Larvitar
. Tyranitar
. Quilava
. Togetic
. Ampharos

Top 10 Hoenn Pokemon
. Grovyle
. Swellow
. Breloom
. Altaria
. Bagon
. Salamence
. Kecleon
. Wurmple
. Latias
. Castform

Top 10 Sinnoh Pokemon
. Piplup
. Chatot
. Mantyke
. Lumineon
. Gible
. Shellos
. Gastrodon
. Craniados
. Mesprit
. Starly

Top 10 Unova Pokemon
. Snivy
. Archeops
. Fraxure
. Druddigon
. Braviary
. Samurott
. Deino
. Virizion
. Scolipede
. Rufflet

Plaid Fraggle

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2012
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1. Vulpix - A lot of it is aesthetic, but I also get a lot of satisfaction from a well-trained Ninetales, even if they're not the best battlers ever! Always, always been my favorite--I don't change easily.

2. Blaziken - Just. Yes. Whatta powerhouse! Far and away my favorite Pokémon to battle with!

3. Luxray

4. Zapdos

5. Vaporeon - Really diverse move set with this one, underrated.

6. Gardevoir

7. Crobat - Also underrated because nobody even wants to THINK about freaking Zubat. But it's a beautiful thing when someone actually befriends one for a change, haha!

8. Gengar

9. Dragonite

10. Kingdra

Runners-up are: Machamp, Mightyena, Flygon, Hariyama, Ampharos, Emboar, and Altaria.

Definitely not a list that's ever been set in stone, but I think this reflects what I look for in Pokémon pret-ty darn well! Not a huge fan of Grass-type...and the biggest fan of Fire-Fighting, even if it's overdone!