My list...
1. Of coarse, the whole “muppets are for babies” stuff. Even my friend, a smart girl who knows her onions, said that Muppets are aimed at 3 year-olds (she wasn’t deliberately “bashing” the Muppets, she actually thought that was the age-group that watched them).
2. People going, “y’know, there’s an M-rated Sesame Street now”. Like, what the diddly? When did that happen? XD I reckon they’re referring to Avenue Q or something.
4. People -*cough*teenagergirls*cough* but no all- claiming they’re “big muppet fans” because they can name one muppet from the top of their heads (Elmo).
5. People getting Kermit’s name wrong. Like, c’mon…
6. People thinking Jim Henson died of AIDS. -_-
7. When people are like, “ohemgeeI’mSUCHaMuppetfanIusedtoloveElmo’sWorldwhenIlastwatchedit10yearsago!”
8. Beau actually got me thinking about this… the way people mistake Elmo for a girl.
9. “Them two old guys in the box”.
10. I know some people who ask me the names of well-known and obvious Muppets when they're around certain people. And you know that they know the names, but... they don't wanna admit it... or... something? I never got that. =/ It's like, "ooh, don't judge me!" I don't understand...
--When someone calls Johnny Fiama "Guy Smiley"
--Mixing up Grover and Elmo
--"Remember the episode when Ernie died of AIDS?"
Yeah, that's so stupid, esp. the last one.

Curse stereotypes...
(Runner up - mistaking the whole Kami the HIV positive Muppet situation)
Yeah, that was so dumb. -_-
When you go to a store, you ask for any Muppet stuff, and the clerk says "Elmo?" No, Elmo is not the only Muppet...
Yes, that always happens to me!
-When people call S&W "the two old guys from the Muppet Show" My second grade teacher thought their names were "Heckle and Jeckle"
LOL! Haha, that's gold!
Yeah, Richard Hunt, sadly, is the one who died of AIDS, such a tragedy, but at least he took it well.
Not to be a nitpicker or anything, but Kami doesn't have AIDS, she is HIV+... which DOES lead to AIDS, but not really that much of an issue. In respect to some of my friends here, I'm not going to go into a discussion as why there's a common misconception with Americans about HIV/AIDS which caused the outrage over Kami... but I will admit, a friend of mine in Israel asked me why Americans did make such a big deal out of a Muppet character being HIV+, and I explained to her the misconception that plagues America regarding the disease.
Yes, I don't get why it has to be such a big issue. And exactly... HIV doesn't necessarily equal AIDS.
I got annoyed when people called Kermit the Frog, Hermit the Frog (yes I've heard people say that)
I've heard that, too! From a "big Muppet fan"...
I've honestly never heard this until the other night, and I don't know who started that, but it's so obviously not true, because we all know that Jim married his high school sweet heart, had five kids, and even though they separated, they remained good friends... he's even dated Daryl Hannah.
Really? O.O Wow, cool- I had no idea!
I remember a number of years ago, one of the TV evangelists ( Jerry Falwell or Jimmy Swaggart I can't remember which one) was on TV saying that Ernie and Bert were a gay couple. I remember it kinda torqued me off, at the time.
That whole idea should be buried in a big, big hole.
Agreed. The whole joke about Ernie and Bert being gay wore thin AGES ago. =/ Secondly,
Laurel and Hardy shared a bed. Yes, I know that's going back a fair way, but even now in a world where nothing is sacred you don't hear anything about that.