I just thought up of some more annoying mistakes that, to quote a Toughpigs article, "Fumblenoggins" often make.....
*The Muppets haven't been active at all until the movie that just came out - Which is not entirely true, yet it did seem that way because most of the stuff they did during the last decade were pretty much hit-or-miss. That, and because people weren't paying that much attention.
*Miss Piggy is a drag queen, or a tranny --- All I have to say is, are they sure that they're not confusing her with...oh, I don't know...Miss
*The Muppets were all "good, wholesome, clean" fun and never relied on cynicism for humor - I believe uppitymuppity and frogboy/jamie even brought this up several times in the "Disney Enlists Segel and Stoller to helm New Muppet Movie" thread some years back when the new movie was first announced. They had to refute this over and over again. And if people want role models, don't turn to fictional characters, or entertainment in general.
*Disney is screwing up the Muppets - Oh, yeah, surre... Those Disney $%$###$% are indeed ruining the Muppets. I mean, look what those cruel, soulless whackjobs did: they released a bunch of super-awesome online videos, brought back a huge chunk of characters that have been neglected for many years (Thog? Uncle Deadly? Anyone?), putting them up to the forefront like there's no tomorrow, with stuff too numerous to mention, like the comic books. But more importantly, being aware of the fact that the Muppets were never just for kids, by having them appear on WWE, and taking over the March issue of Loaded magazine (*sniff* god bless 'em!)
And I guess we can all just moan and complain, wishing that they'd go back to the 1990s, the good ol' days when the Muppets were treated like a property rather than a puppet troupe/celebrities, and a kids' property one at that. Even Henson seemed to have bought into this B-S. And Kermit was nothing but a smiling corporate mascot, and a whole group of characters who were once major players either not speaking anymore

or having been abandoned completely

after the deaths of their performers.
Yeah, Disney is
really destroying the Muppets.
*Oscar had been "watered down" in recent years - Anyone who says this really needs to watch Sesame Street more often. But look through any episode from the 2000s, and try to compare it to 1986, 1977, 1992, and tell me, do you see any difference?
The correct answer should be........uh........ No.
Character-wise, he's still the same snarky pessimist and occasional prankster that he was back in 1994, 1975, 2002, and 1983. There is no difference. Okay, there actually
was a difference, albeit subtle, during the early seasons (pre-1973/74), which Drtooth and I have pointed out before. 2 sketches that come to mind here are the E/B chocolate ice cream skit and the one where Ernie loses his rubber duckie.
And...as if everyone else on Sesame Street was all "goody goody", "nicey nicey", not capable of being grumpy, sarcastic, or be annoyed at one another, thus making him the only "crazy person" on the street (he's not even the only grouch in the Sesame universe, mind you). These people obviously never thought twice about the many times Bert lost his temper at Ernie and his hare-brained antics, or the times when Grover drove Kermit and Mr. Johnson up the wall with his incompetence and/or foolishness. And it's not just the Muppets that were prone to this; what about the beginning of Herry's "I Can't Help It" song at the Fix-It-Shop? (it's up on Youtube). Let's not forget a good chunk of sketches from season 1, where there's been a bunch of name-calling (with words like "dingaling" and "meatball")
*The "Cookie Monster has been converted to Veggie Monster" and "Cookie Monster has been taken off of Sesame Street" nonsense. It hurts my head every time I see people make these comments on Youtube. I'll repeat what I just said, these people clearly need to watch more Sesame Street.
*Snuffy was imaginary --- Well, only to the
adults. But that's because they kept missing him every time.
And finally...
*People referring to The Muppets as "sock puppets". Out of all the lazy, half-baked mistakes people can make, THIS one really gets on my nerves. Not only is it annoying but it's an insult to Jim and everything he's done (and not to mention it's an insult to puppeteers in general).
I mean, look. Here's a group of Muppets --- your typical puppets:
And this is a sock puppet:
See the difference, people?
Heck, one time, someone showed me a video of Kermit's appearance on "America's Got Talent" a few years ago (that I was already aware of), but he was not sure if it was the real Kermit.
