Top 5 people you'd like to meet in heaven


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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heralde said:
Wow, I really thought I was the only one in the world who had experienced this. I know it isn't nice to say this, but it sort of makes me feel better. You know, to know I wasn't alone. It's so frustrating when you're the only one who knows about these things. And everyone else thinks it's irrelevant to their lives. It does get better though as you get older and meet a larger group of people.

There was a Star Trek special a few years ago, which included a ton of celebrities. Ben Stiller (I love him!) talked about being called a nerd for being a Trekkie. He said, "But now I'm sharing the stage with the cast of Frasier and Kenny G....who's the nerd???"

Lol, I think that says it all. :smile:
Lol! Fanks for sharing that w/ me, heralde. :big_grin:
Oh, it makes me feels sooo much better that someone else is like that! I hate it how you say you like something that may seem 'daggy' or 'un-cool' nowdays and every goes "Oh, you like that??!" or "That's for babies" or they just give you this strange glare. But y'know, I don't rully care 'bout them- I'm yam who I yam! :smile:


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2004
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I'm not sure I can limit this to just 5, sorry kids

  • Marilyn Monroe, she's like such an icon but she was so troubled, so I'd love to see what she was really like
  • Walt Disney just because he did so much with his life, and I'd love to see if he was really perky all the time :stick_out_tongue:
  • Jim Henson just because
  • John Lennon and George Harrison (I agree with you guys about all you've said about George, he's my fave Beatle as well]
  • Princess Di cos of the same thing as Marilyn Monroe
  • The Virgin Mary because she's cool
Oh that's only 5 :stick_out_tongue: Oh well