Top 5 Muppet Product & Character Ideas


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Makes me think is Chef and Beaker more popular then Kermit?
No Muppet is more popular than Kermit. If he isn't selling then the Muppets aren't selling.

And if a store has a Muppet assortment - the Kermits will go first and the others will straggle until the Kermits are restocked. However, that's not to say that the other Muppets aren't popular.

I listed an order a while back that is fairly accurate for the current "general public" tastes when faced with an assortment: Kermit, Animal, Beaker, Gonzo, Pepe, Fozzie, Swedish Chef, Statler & Waldorf and Miss Piggy. It's close to an accurate order from what I know selling toys.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Maybe not the most scientific method of measuring Muppet's popularity, but still nothing to sneeze at either and certainly very interesting to look at...
which Muppet pages get the most visits on Muppet Wiki? The top 10 (or 11 since one of these is a pair) of the Classic Muppets are:
Miss Piggy
Statler & Waldorf
Swedish Chef
Sam the Eagle
Rowlf the Dog

As per the initial question, i'm not going to think of different price categories because quite frankly thinking of high-end products which i would not be conceivably able to afford at this time in my life (even the replicas remain out of the question despite their price breaks) does nothing but further depress me so i'm not even going there.

But what i so want to see these days are:

more non-childrens' books. We had the Lewis-penned Kermit, Piggy, and Pepe books and the forthcoming S&W book, but in all honesty, these do nothing for me. They're basically slightly-more-than-random jokebooks, many of them list-based and while slightly amusing in small doses, just don't hold up to a whole book. The Kermit one at least was better because of the first (less than) half and the book would have been better if it just stuck with that. The comics (and the complitations of them) help fill that niche a little, but i'd like to see humor books that weren't just groups of lists and jokes which may or may not work in the context of the Muppet-in-question's voice or as has been suggested a more indepth behind-the-scenes book or coffeetable type book that was more a focus on THE MUPPETS as opposed to being built around a Jim Henson biography. (Kermit Culture is a step in the right direction and one i've wanted to see happen for ages but because of its elusiveness, i've not yet had the chance to read a copy)

I'd also love to see them tap into the trivia market. Things like trivia books and especially games like a card and/or board game, or dvd "Scene It" style game. I feel this is a huge way they can get the brand out there, re-affirm its place as a pop-culture icon and not only get people (re)introduced to the Muppets but such products (in its sales or even its presence in stores) encourage people to subconsciously declare themselves Muppet Fans (or sends the signal that this is a brand with a dedicated fan base).

While this may not be a "product" per se, it still falls in the promotion/merchandising realm somewhat - i'd like to see Disney incorporate the Muppets more on the Disney Channel - Studio DC was a good first step (despite how well-received it was from die-hards) but besides that there should be various promos and short bits - advertisements for on the channel (and heck why not some of the bits shown as interstitials?) The Muppets should have at least a minimal presence there but aside from Studio DC and the occasional MWOO showing, they're non-existant - they didn't even break out any of the six "I'm (Muppet) and you're watching Disney Channel" spots from several years back when they broadcast Studio DC (though they still use these with the other Disney stars) nor do i ever really see ads for other Muppet products like the dvds or anything on there (i don't even think any of the Give a Day promos have aires there though i've seen them on ABC).

Now you know we're all thinking it - you know i've said it so many times before that one would think it shouldn't have to be repeated - but i'm gonna say it for no other reason than for the benefit of any Disney insiders that may be lurking here looking for free market research: whatever products they put out whether suggested here or already on the schedule - ALL MUPPET PRODUCTS NEED TO RELY MUCH LESS ON THE MUPPET POSERS IN THE PHOTOS - or at the very less, take new pictures and not use the same ones over and over. We all may drool over clothes, posters, keychains, etc in theory but if they do come out and they're just Yet Another Product With A Dreadful Lifeless Muppet Poser Photo We've Seen Countless Times Before, fans go from being Exteremly Excited and ready to buy the second we can to Extremely Disappointed and putting the wallet back in the pocket. Think of how awesome a poster or promotional photo would be done with the Muppets (the real ones, though i still wouldn't mind seeing something this awesome done with posers) like what Roger Langridge drew for the cover of The Muppet Show Comic Book #1? A well-planned very creative group photo that's not some photoshop nightmare?

Finally i'm quite disappointed that with all the hooplah about Disney's latest Jim Carrey version of The Christmas Carol, that they aren't doing anything in regards to new Muppet Christmas Carol products, re-release or airings. Whatever happened to that legendary Disney Synergy?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Here's my list

Expensive: Muppet prop replicas.. not just to go with the Muppet replica sets... but unique muppet props and gadgets made and sold the same way collectible Lightsabers or replica props from other movies.

Slightly Less expensive: Artwork prints by different artists and different interpretations of the characters.

affordable: Well, we all want PVC's, action figures, etc. of rare characters... but how about Die Cast vehicles in different scales (one about the size of the larger Nascar Muppet cars, ones the size of the Johnny Lightning collectible vehicle assortment/standard Hot Wheels), featuring reproductions of various cars and spaceships from Muppet movies and TV shows... e.i. the Happiness Hotel bus, the Mayhem bus, Fozzie's Studebaker, and the Swine Trek.

other: More Pez... new sculpts and characters
a great new Muppet coffee table book.