Toon channels messed up


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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I don't mind learning the Bible stories again from cartoons (as I never really learned them in very much detail) I just wish they could at least make the animation better if you are going to do them justice :\. I mean, they have pretty good plots as stories go (as most very old stories from around the world are), the animation should be at least watchable :frown:.
Yeah! I've noticed that a lot of Christian entertainment is unbearable becuase it lacks the funding and budget to make it decent. It would be good to see some good animation, puppetry and the like in that particularly field of entertainment. And like you said, that it simply justs lacks justice done to it. I like Bible man and old and new version. There are still some great shows on radio, though.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
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There's this network called TBN where they have a Saturday morning block filled with Christian cartoons and puppet shows that are very well written and entertaining. I enjoyed watching shows like Bibleman, Davey and Goliath, and Auto B. Good on that station.

And I recommend checking out a DVD series called Kingdom Adventure. It's a puppet series mixed with cool animation where a bunch of forest elves called Lumans have adventures that are very similar to the Bible.