I posted this on another site, but felt it was appropriate to post it here too...
It's funny, because people have been really commenting on the amount of variants or exclusives.
You have 5 actual figures in Series One:
Dr. Teeth
You have 4 Variants:
Tux Kermit
Hair Down Piggy
Teeth Repaint
VC Beaker
Five regular figs, four variant figs.
Problem arises when people start considering the give aways and the errors as part of the line. It's not. Or at least that was not the original intent.
You have an error VC in a bag, a Kermit/lunchbox giveaway and an Invisible Beaker give away. Reason I don't count these is personal as a collector...heck even on the back of the new Fozzie one we have a pic that says "collect them all" that only shows the ones available for sale at retail. Just my opinion.
Anyway, take a look at a typical McFarlane release, although I don't know if he does this as much as he used to. Six figures, then he would do six repaints. Same figures for the most part, but higher ratio of regular figs to variants. Then occasionally release a give away or something of a figure possibly from that assortment.
Guess what I am getting at is that the only unusual thing about our situation is that the figures are more complicated variants, some involving TONS of sculpted parts, which makes them a little more choice I guess and maybe harder to keep track of because it isn't a repaint/slight resculpt line released all at the same time.
Anyway, Series 2 has five main figures:
Crazy Harry
Series 2 has four variants:
Invisible Spray Fozzie
Vacation Fozzie
Floyd Repaint
EB Gonzo
(Black "T" Animal may reappear later since he was **** canned from SDCC, but his release won't be until Series 3 or after, and you all know the extra Foz was just a quick fix for the Animal fiasco...frikkin factories...)
Some count the two colors of Vaca Foz as a variant of a variant. Technically I guess it is, but I don't consider it to be. Don't get me wrong you can if you want. The intent there was to give you all a choice. Which color do you like best? The uber-completist may think they must have both, but you don't gotta. Same fig completely. IN fact, some uber-completists (and I do get it because I have done some uber-completing in the past) will buy the ToyFare Tux Kermit AND the TRU Tux Kermit simply because the ToyFare one has a sticker and the TRU one does not.
So it is much simpler than it appears. The "real" variants have not exceeded the number of actual figures, and the ratio will drop further as there will be NO variants in Series 3.
Does that help explain it a bit?