Gorgon Heap
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One of my favorite singers and recording artists, Dan Fogelberg, who I grew up on, and darned if I didn't wish he'd been on TMS. This is an idea I had a while back and forgot about, but here it is. Submitted for your approval:
"It's The Muppet Show, with our very special guest star, Dan Fogelberg! YAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!"
STYLE: MID-SEASON FOUR (circa Kenny Rogers, Lola Falana episodes)
COLD OPENING: Scooter knocks and enters.
Scooter: "Dan Fogelberg! Fifteen seconds to curtain, Dan!"
(Dan is looking for something.)
Dan: "Thanks. Hey Scooter, do you know what happened to all of my instruments?"
Scooter: "Oh, I unpacked them."
Dan: "Oh, great, thanks!"
(He gets up, goes over to the wardrobe.)
"Where did you put them?"
(He opens the wardrobe. All the instruments fall out of it and bury him on the floor.)
"Never mind."
S & W: (A pony is in S’s place.)
W: “You sound a little hoarse.” (Horse neighs.)
GONZO: we hear giggling- Gonzo turns the trumpet around to discover one of the Muppaphones in it
OPENING NUMBER: "More, More, More"- ancient Roman disco number set in Caesar's palace, with Annie Sue (as a dancing girl with two backups) on lead vocals, the wrinkly pig as Caesar, servants and attendants to Caesar, and dancing Centurions
Waldorf: "What did you think of that?"
Statler: "After an act like that, it's easy to see why the Roman Empire fell!" (They laugh.)
BACKSTAGE: the cast returns from the stage. In the background, Scooter attends to a pony in a pen.
Kermit: "Good number, Romans, good number."
Annie Sue: "Excuse me, Mr. Kermit sir? What's that horse doing back there?"
Kermit: "Oh that? That's the pony I rented for the closing number. Scooter's been feeding and attending to it all day."
Annie Sue: "Looks like he's grown quite attached." (She exits. Scooter comes forward.)
Scooter: "Boy oh boy, chief, it sure is different having a colt around. In fact, it's kinda nice."
Kermit: "Yeah, well it's just for the one number, so don't get to accustomed to him." (Kermit turns to his desk and attends to business.)
Scooter: "He's a- a good horse."
Kermit: (not looking up) "Good to know."
Scooter: "Real easy to take care of, nice disposition."
Kermit: "Uh, Scooter, I really don't have time to talk right now."
Scooter: "Yeah, okay... You know, we- we could keep him."
Kermit: "Scooter, it's out of the question. I just rented him for the one number and that's it. That's final, end of discussion."
Scooter: "Okay... can I take that to mean maybe?"
(Kermit grimaces and walks off toward the stage.)
SONG: "Heart Hotels"- Dan with the (ghostly presences of) the Electric Mayhem (a la "6-String Orchestra")
Statler: "I was once manager of a hotel."
Waldorf: "Oh? Was it any good?"
Statler: "Well, the roaches never complained." (S & W laugh.)
BACKSTAGE: Scooter worries excessively about what might happen to the horse when he goes back to his owner to race. Kermit's answer distresses him so much that when Kermit's back is turned, Scooter decides to try and keep the horse anyway- by hiding him in the canteen.
MUPPET UNIVERSITY: Sam teaches Latin. He reads from his 3X5 cards the Latin phrases, which are duplicated on the rolling blackboards behind him. When he raises the blackboards up to reveal the translation on each rear blackboard, it never matches up to what's on his card, i.e. "You have an interesting point" becomes "I am a fathead", and "What was your opinion of the lecture?" becomes "The water buffalo is undressing".
DRESSING ROOM: Kermit talks to Dan.
Kermit: "Hey Dan, I'd just like to say that I'm a big fan of your music. Matter of fact, there's one song of yours that's become one of my all-time favorites."
Dan: "Really? Which one was it?"
Kermit: "It was called "Leader of the Band"."
Dan: "Oh yeah."
Kermit: "You know, I wanted to ask you about that song- was it at all autobiographical?"
Dan: "Well, yes Kermit, it was. That song I wrote for my father, who used to be a bandleader back in the day, the Big Band era."
Kermit: "Oh wow. It's a beautiful song."
Dan: "Thank you, Kermit."
Kermit: "Hey, would you do that song for us now?"
Dan: "I thought you were going somewhere with that."
(He picks up his guitar and plays; Muppets start filing in, among them Fozzie, Scooter, Beauregard, Annie Sue, Janice, Rowlf, Robin, the Centurion from the opening # and VH, and a Whatnot trumpet player)
SONG: "Leader of the Band"- Dan plays and sings while Janice plays back-up guitar- lending background vocals where applicable- and the trumpet player plays at the interlude and coda.
VET'S HOSPITAL: a Centurion is the patient.
Rowlf: "Well, who's the next patient, Nurse Janice?"
Janice: "Here he is, Dr. Bob."
Rowlf: "Oh. Just come back from a fraternity party?"
Janice: "Dr. Bob, he's a Roman."
Rowlf: "Oh yeah, well where is he a-roamin' to?"
Piggy: "No, no, no, he was in the ancient Roman number at the beginning of the show. He's a Centurion."
Rowlf: "Well, you certainly don't look a century old! Ha ha ha! What seems to be your trouble?"
Centurion: "I keep getting overwhelmed by feelings on anxiety when I'm on the job. I'm one of the guards at Caesar's palace."
Rowlf: "Really? Can you get me Sinatra's autograph the next time he passes through?"
(Piggy and Janice groan.)
Piggy: "He means Caesar, the emperor of Rome."
Rowlf: "Oh, well in that case, you should wait it out and come back in late Autumn."
Centurion: "Autumn?"
Rowlf: "Yes, after the Fall of the Roman Empire!" (He laughs.)
Centurion: "But when I get back to Rome, what should I do?"
Rowlf: "Do? Why, when in Rome, do as the Romans do!" (He laughs.) "But as to your problem, maybe you need a career change. Try applying to be a bricklayer, but make sure you ask for the night shift."
Piggy: "Why the night shift?"
Rowlf: "Because Rome wasn't built in a day!" (He laughs.)
Announcer: "And so we come to the end of the another Veterinarians' Hospital. Tune in next week, when you'll hear Dr. Bob say..."
Rowlf: "If you're worried about losing your job, I suggest you be extra nice to the boss. For example, he plays the violin, right?"
Centurion: "Yes, badly."
Rowlf: "Well there you go! If you're a friend, a Roman, and a countryman, all you have to do is lend him your ears!" (Rowlf laughs. Piggy and Janice shake their heads.)
UK SPOT: “Stuck in the Middle with You”- Floyd & Janice on an L-train, surrounded by weirdos (and naturally, there's a clown to the left of them, and a joker- Fozzie with all of his novelty gags- to the right)
(Audience Shot)
SONG: "Part of the Plan"- Dan with the Electric Mayhem (black background)
BACKSTAGE: Scooter's efforts to hide the pony don't go so well, as the pony gets chased out of the canteen by an angry Swedish Chef.
MUPPET SPORTS: "Buck Passing"- Lewis reports from a football field as Mack 'Strong Arm' Sampson attempts to pass a 500 lb. 10-point buck (yes, as in a male deer) to Milton 'Dyspeptic' McAllister. Sampson selects the forward pass. En route to catch the buck, McAllister runs backward into Lewis, and the buck lands on both of them.
BACKSTAGE: it's time for the closing number, and Scooter continues to pester Kermit about the pony.
Kermit: "We don't have it in the budget to buy the horse."
Scooter: "How much is he?"
Kermit: "You don't wanna know."
Scooter: "Please? Just tell me."
Kermit: "Fine." (Kermit whispers it in his ear.) "Are you satisfied?" (He goes to the stage.)
Scooter: "Yeah. Thanks, boss." (He picks up the phone and dials.) "Hello, Uncle J.P? Fine, thanks. Say, how do you feel about making an investment in a racehorse? Guaranteed return..."
CLOSING NUMBER: "Run for the Roses"- Dan at a racetrack; he sings from the bleachers, among the spectators (including George, Hilda, and Brewster), with Lewis Kazagger in the announcer's booth, all watching the young colt race to victory on the track.
Kermit: "Well, we've just come down to the final lap of this one. But before we head back to the stable, let's have a warm thank you for our very special guest star Mr. Dan Fogelberg! YAAAAYYYY!!!!"
(Kermit walks over to where Dan is seated.)
Dan: "Thank you, Kermit, I've had a great time."
Kermit: "Oh, good."
Scooter (off-screen): "Hey Chief!"
Kermit: "Oh brother."
(Scooter enters with the pony.)
Scooter: "I've got good news! My uncle bought the pony! We can keep him!"
Kermit: "Oh, yeah?"
Scooter: "Yeah! We just to foot his feed bill, stable bill, and cleaning bill!"
(Kermit does his flabbergasted reaction.)
Kermit: "What?!"
Scooter: "Yeah!"
Kermit: "Ohhhh, all right- but you get to clean up after him. We'll see you next time on The Muppet Show!"
(Dan, Kermit, Scooter, Floyd, Annie Sue, Bo, Lewis Kazagger, Pony, Centurion, and two Whatnot racing spectators gather around.)
Statler: "They've certainly been horsing around on this show, haven't they?" (S & W chuckle.)
Waldorf: "Yes, but it'll still amount to the same old bull." (S & W laugh.)
Comments encouraged.
David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole
"It's The Muppet Show, with our very special guest star, Dan Fogelberg! YAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!"
STYLE: MID-SEASON FOUR (circa Kenny Rogers, Lola Falana episodes)
COLD OPENING: Scooter knocks and enters.
Scooter: "Dan Fogelberg! Fifteen seconds to curtain, Dan!"
(Dan is looking for something.)
Dan: "Thanks. Hey Scooter, do you know what happened to all of my instruments?"
Scooter: "Oh, I unpacked them."
Dan: "Oh, great, thanks!"
(He gets up, goes over to the wardrobe.)
"Where did you put them?"
(He opens the wardrobe. All the instruments fall out of it and bury him on the floor.)
"Never mind."
S & W: (A pony is in S’s place.)
W: “You sound a little hoarse.” (Horse neighs.)
GONZO: we hear giggling- Gonzo turns the trumpet around to discover one of the Muppaphones in it
OPENING NUMBER: "More, More, More"- ancient Roman disco number set in Caesar's palace, with Annie Sue (as a dancing girl with two backups) on lead vocals, the wrinkly pig as Caesar, servants and attendants to Caesar, and dancing Centurions
Waldorf: "What did you think of that?"
Statler: "After an act like that, it's easy to see why the Roman Empire fell!" (They laugh.)
BACKSTAGE: the cast returns from the stage. In the background, Scooter attends to a pony in a pen.
Kermit: "Good number, Romans, good number."
Annie Sue: "Excuse me, Mr. Kermit sir? What's that horse doing back there?"
Kermit: "Oh that? That's the pony I rented for the closing number. Scooter's been feeding and attending to it all day."
Annie Sue: "Looks like he's grown quite attached." (She exits. Scooter comes forward.)
Scooter: "Boy oh boy, chief, it sure is different having a colt around. In fact, it's kinda nice."
Kermit: "Yeah, well it's just for the one number, so don't get to accustomed to him." (Kermit turns to his desk and attends to business.)
Scooter: "He's a- a good horse."
Kermit: (not looking up) "Good to know."
Scooter: "Real easy to take care of, nice disposition."
Kermit: "Uh, Scooter, I really don't have time to talk right now."
Scooter: "Yeah, okay... You know, we- we could keep him."
Kermit: "Scooter, it's out of the question. I just rented him for the one number and that's it. That's final, end of discussion."
Scooter: "Okay... can I take that to mean maybe?"
(Kermit grimaces and walks off toward the stage.)
SONG: "Heart Hotels"- Dan with the (ghostly presences of) the Electric Mayhem (a la "6-String Orchestra")
Statler: "I was once manager of a hotel."
Waldorf: "Oh? Was it any good?"
Statler: "Well, the roaches never complained." (S & W laugh.)
BACKSTAGE: Scooter worries excessively about what might happen to the horse when he goes back to his owner to race. Kermit's answer distresses him so much that when Kermit's back is turned, Scooter decides to try and keep the horse anyway- by hiding him in the canteen.
MUPPET UNIVERSITY: Sam teaches Latin. He reads from his 3X5 cards the Latin phrases, which are duplicated on the rolling blackboards behind him. When he raises the blackboards up to reveal the translation on each rear blackboard, it never matches up to what's on his card, i.e. "You have an interesting point" becomes "I am a fathead", and "What was your opinion of the lecture?" becomes "The water buffalo is undressing".
DRESSING ROOM: Kermit talks to Dan.
Kermit: "Hey Dan, I'd just like to say that I'm a big fan of your music. Matter of fact, there's one song of yours that's become one of my all-time favorites."
Dan: "Really? Which one was it?"
Kermit: "It was called "Leader of the Band"."
Dan: "Oh yeah."
Kermit: "You know, I wanted to ask you about that song- was it at all autobiographical?"
Dan: "Well, yes Kermit, it was. That song I wrote for my father, who used to be a bandleader back in the day, the Big Band era."
Kermit: "Oh wow. It's a beautiful song."
Dan: "Thank you, Kermit."
Kermit: "Hey, would you do that song for us now?"
Dan: "I thought you were going somewhere with that."
(He picks up his guitar and plays; Muppets start filing in, among them Fozzie, Scooter, Beauregard, Annie Sue, Janice, Rowlf, Robin, the Centurion from the opening # and VH, and a Whatnot trumpet player)
SONG: "Leader of the Band"- Dan plays and sings while Janice plays back-up guitar- lending background vocals where applicable- and the trumpet player plays at the interlude and coda.
VET'S HOSPITAL: a Centurion is the patient.
Rowlf: "Well, who's the next patient, Nurse Janice?"
Janice: "Here he is, Dr. Bob."
Rowlf: "Oh. Just come back from a fraternity party?"
Janice: "Dr. Bob, he's a Roman."
Rowlf: "Oh yeah, well where is he a-roamin' to?"
Piggy: "No, no, no, he was in the ancient Roman number at the beginning of the show. He's a Centurion."
Rowlf: "Well, you certainly don't look a century old! Ha ha ha! What seems to be your trouble?"
Centurion: "I keep getting overwhelmed by feelings on anxiety when I'm on the job. I'm one of the guards at Caesar's palace."
Rowlf: "Really? Can you get me Sinatra's autograph the next time he passes through?"
(Piggy and Janice groan.)
Piggy: "He means Caesar, the emperor of Rome."
Rowlf: "Oh, well in that case, you should wait it out and come back in late Autumn."
Centurion: "Autumn?"
Rowlf: "Yes, after the Fall of the Roman Empire!" (He laughs.)
Centurion: "But when I get back to Rome, what should I do?"
Rowlf: "Do? Why, when in Rome, do as the Romans do!" (He laughs.) "But as to your problem, maybe you need a career change. Try applying to be a bricklayer, but make sure you ask for the night shift."
Piggy: "Why the night shift?"
Rowlf: "Because Rome wasn't built in a day!" (He laughs.)
Announcer: "And so we come to the end of the another Veterinarians' Hospital. Tune in next week, when you'll hear Dr. Bob say..."
Rowlf: "If you're worried about losing your job, I suggest you be extra nice to the boss. For example, he plays the violin, right?"
Centurion: "Yes, badly."
Rowlf: "Well there you go! If you're a friend, a Roman, and a countryman, all you have to do is lend him your ears!" (Rowlf laughs. Piggy and Janice shake their heads.)
UK SPOT: “Stuck in the Middle with You”- Floyd & Janice on an L-train, surrounded by weirdos (and naturally, there's a clown to the left of them, and a joker- Fozzie with all of his novelty gags- to the right)
(Audience Shot)
SONG: "Part of the Plan"- Dan with the Electric Mayhem (black background)
BACKSTAGE: Scooter's efforts to hide the pony don't go so well, as the pony gets chased out of the canteen by an angry Swedish Chef.
MUPPET SPORTS: "Buck Passing"- Lewis reports from a football field as Mack 'Strong Arm' Sampson attempts to pass a 500 lb. 10-point buck (yes, as in a male deer) to Milton 'Dyspeptic' McAllister. Sampson selects the forward pass. En route to catch the buck, McAllister runs backward into Lewis, and the buck lands on both of them.
BACKSTAGE: it's time for the closing number, and Scooter continues to pester Kermit about the pony.
Kermit: "We don't have it in the budget to buy the horse."
Scooter: "How much is he?"
Kermit: "You don't wanna know."
Scooter: "Please? Just tell me."
Kermit: "Fine." (Kermit whispers it in his ear.) "Are you satisfied?" (He goes to the stage.)
Scooter: "Yeah. Thanks, boss." (He picks up the phone and dials.) "Hello, Uncle J.P? Fine, thanks. Say, how do you feel about making an investment in a racehorse? Guaranteed return..."
CLOSING NUMBER: "Run for the Roses"- Dan at a racetrack; he sings from the bleachers, among the spectators (including George, Hilda, and Brewster), with Lewis Kazagger in the announcer's booth, all watching the young colt race to victory on the track.
Kermit: "Well, we've just come down to the final lap of this one. But before we head back to the stable, let's have a warm thank you for our very special guest star Mr. Dan Fogelberg! YAAAAYYYY!!!!"
(Kermit walks over to where Dan is seated.)
Dan: "Thank you, Kermit, I've had a great time."
Kermit: "Oh, good."
Scooter (off-screen): "Hey Chief!"
Kermit: "Oh brother."
(Scooter enters with the pony.)
Scooter: "I've got good news! My uncle bought the pony! We can keep him!"
Kermit: "Oh, yeah?"
Scooter: "Yeah! We just to foot his feed bill, stable bill, and cleaning bill!"
(Kermit does his flabbergasted reaction.)
Kermit: "What?!"
Scooter: "Yeah!"
Kermit: "Ohhhh, all right- but you get to clean up after him. We'll see you next time on The Muppet Show!"
(Dan, Kermit, Scooter, Floyd, Annie Sue, Bo, Lewis Kazagger, Pony, Centurion, and two Whatnot racing spectators gather around.)
Statler: "They've certainly been horsing around on this show, haven't they?" (S & W chuckle.)
Waldorf: "Yes, but it'll still amount to the same old bull." (S & W laugh.)
Comments encouraged.
David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole