TMS outline- Christopher Lee!


Philip Kippel

TSF, as much as I greatly appreciate you answering my questions, I seriously agree that you should respect GH's wish that you not answer them, please, since they're addressed to him.

Besides, GH would know who would be included in these outlines anyway, since HE wrote them.

Philip Kippel

Philip Kippel said:
I'm also going to assume that Robin, Bunsen, Beaker and some of the "lesser" characters (Baskerville, Muppy, Afghan Hound, Rover Joe, Catgut, T.R. Rooster, Miss Mousey, etc.) probably get locked up in the prop room as well.
Maybe you could add Sam Eagle to the list of muppets imprisoned in the prop room as well, GH.

Philip Kippel

Gorgon Heap, do you plan to post the full script to this outline anytime soon?

Also, who performed which characters in this outline (especially the monsters)?

Do you like my suggestions of who's imprisoned in the prop room besides Kermit, Fozzie, Rowlf and the Chef (Robin, Bunsen, Beaker, Sam Eagle, the various minor characters, etc.)?

I'm also still waiting for answers to the questions that were answered by TSF that you didn't answer.

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Well, I wouldn't put too many characters in the prop room for the simple reason that in reality they wouldn't have enough puppeteers. Robin, Bunsen and Beaker would work tho.

Boppity and Gloat throw most characters into the prop room, and they reel Piggy in.

The Muppets do catch their captors with various nets (handheld and dropped), tho I really haven't decided who chases who. Never visualized it in moment-to-moment detail.

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole

Philip Kippel

Gorgon Heap said:
Well, I wouldn't put too many characters in the prop room for the simple reason that in reality they wouldn't have enough puppeteers. Robin, Bunsen and Beaker would work tho.
Well, if they put Sam Eagle in the prop room, he could comment on how things are getting to be so disastrous on the show, what with the monsters taking over the show.

And when I said about which monsters appear in the closing number, when I meant all of them, I meant all of the same monsters that appeared earlier in the show, plus the ones you didn't include in the earlier acts, like the blue Scoff, the Flower-Eating Monster, Purple Lion, Lothar, Thig, Thog, DogLion, etc.

And where in this show does Sweetums appear?

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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Gosh, I never did list where Sweetums appears, did I?

He sticks around UD most of the time. Actually, in the first backstage scene, change Boppity to Sweetums. Sweetums would also be in "At the Dance" and the closing number. Maybe replace the Mutations in the opening # with Sweetums (not sure yet).

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole

Philip Kippel

Gorgon Heap said:
Gosh, I never did list where Sweetums appears, did I?

He sticks around UD most of the time. Actually, in the first backstage scene, change Boppity to Sweetums. Sweetums would also be in "At the Dance" and the closing number. Maybe replace the Mutations in the opening # with Sweetums (not sure yet).

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole
Do Boppity and Gloat still take the muppets to the prop room, though, with Sweetums helping?

What would Sweetums be doing in "At the Dance"? Dancing with another full-body monster?

What's he doing sticking around Uncle Deadly most of the time?

As for the opening number, maybe you could put all 3 Mutations in there and add Sweetums.

And what instruments do the monsters in the opening number play?

My guesses would be Boppity on guitar, Gloat on trumpet, Miss Kitty on piano, the Green Scoff on flute, Sweetums on trombone, Mutation #1 on drums, Mutation #2 on upright bass and Mutation #3 on saxophone.

And what do you think of my idea of Sam Eagle in the prop room, commenting on how bad the show's getting with the monsters running it?

Philip Kippel

Gorgon Heap, which "It Takes Two" song is parodied in this episode? The Tina Turner one or the Rob Base one?

And how would the lyrics be written?

Also, who performed the following characters in this outline:

-Green Heap
-Purple Heap
-Snake Frackle
-Koozebanian Phoob
-Miss Kitty
-Green Scoff
-The Mutations
-Gorgon Heap/Dr. Heap
-Cadet Billy
-Cadet Dickie
-Tom, Dick & Harry
-Timmy Monster
-Beautiful Day Monster
-Shakey Sanchez
-Pink Creature
-Lenny the Lizard
-Silver-haired woman
-Grey what-not man
-Pink-sweatered woman
-Duck-billed woman
-Blue what-not man
-Ralph and Doreen's neighbor
-the vampire chickens
-What-not man patient
-Sexy Muppet/What-not woman patient


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2005
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-Green Heap: Jim Henson
-Purple Heap: Frank Oz
-Snake Frackle: Jerry Nelson
-Koozebanian Phoob: Dave Goelz
-Boppity: Dave Goelz
-Gloat: Jerry Nelson
-Miss Kitty: Jim Henson
-Green Scoff: Richard Hunt
-The Mutations: Frank Oz
-Gorgon Heap/Dr. Heap: Jim Henson
-Cadet Billy: Dave Goelz
-Cadet Dickie: Jerry Nelson
-Tom, Dick & Harry: Jerry Nelson, Dave Goelz, Richard Hunt
-Timmy Monster: Jim Henson
-Beautiful Day Monster: Jerry Nelson
-Shakey Sanchez: Richard Hunt
-Pink Creature: Richard Hunt
-Lenny the Lizard: Jerry Nelson
-Silver-haired woman: Jim Henson
-Grey what-not man: Jerry Nelson
-Pink-sweatered woman: Jerry Nelson
-Duck-billed woman: Frank Oz
-Blue what-not man: Frank Oz
-Behemoth: Jerry Nelson
-Doreen: Jerry Nelson
-Ralph and Doreen's neighbor: Richard Hunt
-the vampire chickens: Jim Henson, Frank Oz, Dave Goelz
-What-not man patient: Dave Goelz
-Sexy Muppet/What-not woman patient: Jerry Nelson

Philip Kippel

Also, who performed Big Mama, Hogarth Beast and Luncheon Counter Monster/The Monster Chef?

And I suppose LCM would speak in mock-Swedish in his sketch. Right?