TMS Outline: Brian Wilson

That Announcer

Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2005
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Based on Gorgon Heap's wildly popular fic outlines, I've created one for Brian Wilson. I'll post this in segment intervals. Here goes:

(Opening: Backstage. Pops is throwing around a baseball when Brian Wilson enters.)

POPS: Ah! Who'r you?
BW: Brian Wilson. I'm the guest star tonight! You do know who I am, right?
P: Brian Wilson. Oh, yeah, you. Well, go have some fun.
BW: Sure. Hey, you want to have a game of baseball?
P: Well, I promised the Chef I'd play with him in a minute, but, OK. (yells) Hey Chef, you done back there?
CHEF: (comes out holding a large cream pie) Orrrrke-fenork! Lem-ge gooooo da smerve de playee de catchee!
BW: (gesturing to Chef) The pie looks good. Can I have some?
C: Da-eetee? Ye ve smor dur! (He throws the pie, and hits BW smack in the face.) Bork bork!
(Chef and Pops go away.) BW: (licking cream off his face) Well... you know, it could use a little more sugar. Hey, hold on a minute there! (runs off to join them)


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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oh, wow! a TMS outline with commercial breaks!
hm... well so far so good.
keep it coming. keep it coming. keep it coming.