Well I support people's right to free speech wholeheartedly, even if I strongly disagree with it.
I make no secret that I am extremely anti war, as in anti all war. So while someone may not approve of Tinseltown due to it's homosexual theme, I don't approve of Sesame Street's war themed specials. Hey, but that's America
Anyways, Tinseltown follows the rule in my mind that pilots are usually a let down.
The good in my view:
Love the nature of the puppets...they arent full bodied like that proposed TBS talk show one...but...they arent hand and rod puppets. the chemistry between the two was pretty good
I am ALWAYS a fan of when Muppets interact with real life. Like Uncle Matt, or Pepe on the street interviewing people.
has the potential of capturing that Los Angeles Curb Your Enthusiasm feel
the bad:
not much you can establish in a pilot, much less a 10 minute pilot
as usual in post jh productions, hard for me to like any of the humans
I think it's an interesting area for JH to explore, and it shows that while Disney may be squandering the (tm) Muppets, the JHC is trying out new ways to keep the puppet vision alive.
Come on, admit it folks...seeing Tinseltown and TBS PuppetUp Uncensored elicits that same kind of spark of when you learned that the Muppets had an adult sketch on Saturday Night Live over 30 years ago.