Hiya.I remember when my brother's school class got to see Wonka in the movie theater.I finally got to see it about 10 years ago.I love Wonka,my roomate & I quote from it all the time(as said in so many other posts,yes we quote a lot of movies,lol).I read Dahl's book about 5 years ago,liked it.I definately agree with the choices of Robin Williams or Christopher Walken(I heard Johnny Depp at the beginning of talks).Casting for Wonka has to be a nice man,but remember,Wonka(according to Gene Wilder himself)was a liar,conniving.(When all of the kids did wrong weren't scolded, & Charlie was for bumping into the ceiling for 'stealing Fizzy-Lifting drinks',that was so 2 faced; but all was well when he gave up his gobstopper(as a test,to show he wouldn't tell Slugworth).Waiting to see what happens in/to this project in the future.-JaniceFerSure
Hsawankow.Is that Japanese?No,that's Wonkawash spelled backwards.
Charlie.Don't forget what happend to the boy who suddenly got every thing he wanted.What happend to him?He lived happily ever after.