Aww, glad you got it in! Yeah its strange, I submitted my Beaker/Bunsen/Digit/Neuter one but the contest was literally over a few minutes earlier(even though it was only 10pm here in California)
Glad you been familiarizing yourself with JHH! I'm more a fan of just the Muppet TV half hour portions. I remember catching by accident the debut episode summer of 1989, and just was in awe of it. Sadly it didnt last long, and I didnt think Id ever see it again until I started doing vhs tape trading on here in the late 1990's. I wish the quality on the youtube JHH were better, but least you can get a sense of what it was like. I just love the amalgamation of Creature Shop and traditional Muppet puppet work in the characters they made. I'd love to at least see Zondra again, if not Chip, Digit, Flash, Lindburgh, Leon, Waldo, Bean, etc. Did you see the Cosby episode from early 1990 when the Muppet TV JHH characters took over?
This is the one that got accepted, though I completely understand why it mostly got 1's(given its a strange rendition of an obscure character) I'd absolutely LOVE to do some Muppet comics in an official capacity. This and the other illustration I literally penciled and inked on paper, scanned and photoshopped in under 2 hours so I think I'd be pretty good with deadlines.
Yeah, thanks

Oh, wow that's weird...I originally though the site waited for it to be the same time all over the country, but only doing it on their coast is just silly. I was trying to do it on their time because my friend who helped me with the photoshop and the colors is on that coast and we saw Threadless were mostly based in Chicago, but that's only after snooping on the main site. It should really say that somewhere next time!
Oh, cool! I would've loved to see it back then too....especially when it looked better than YouTube too. I do like that VHS look so I can take it while it's all there is. I love that too! It's also kind of cool that it's like the "Muppet Show of the Future," with similar skits and set-up and everything, but faster paced, a little weirder and showing off all the technology they couldn't pull off before. After seeing the Muppet TV segments and the
Inner Tube pilot, I really do wish there was more of those. Zondra's actually my favorite so far (it's a great puppet and her voice is just hilarious to me...I got that "Bizzo" username from trying to find more of her and seeing that "Real World"
Muppets Tonight sketch) next to Digit and Bean, and I still need to see more of the others, though I liked what I've seen. I put a bunch them in my entry too, because I'm guessing Disney owns them too, given how some of the characters cross-over.
And yeah, I saw that one on one of it's rare Nick at Night re-runs years ago, stayed up the whole night for it...I know I liked it, but I need to see it again.
I liked yours! It made me laugh, I just love Carl's crazy face and captured it perfect here (your picture reminded me I forgot Carl in my entry, but that's before I realized he was in the movie...the Afgan hound too, which is odd because she's one of my favorite puppets)....Also, I am partial to penguins.

And impressive too, I could really see you doing some.
For some reason I get the red"x" for Mr. Penguin's images, so I can't comment, but I do really want to see them.
Here's a link to mine!

The pictures actually disappeared for me too...
And I actually really like that first black one you sent, the color really pops on it...either way that's one of my favorite Deadly lines that I totally forgot before I saw your shirt, it's awesome for that alone.
Post it here! I have no doubt you'd have mopped the floor with me!! What's been going on with the Theater Composition? Post that too. I wanna see it!!!

Most gorgeous piece of Muppet art ever.
I just saw the Theater one for the first time right beautiful
Also, I wonder what's up with all the 1's, there's an awful lot on a lot of good ones.